
They're not really even trying anymore, are they?

Okay! Did you hear how subdued they were? White liberals don't like being called out on their hypocrisy and bullshit, much less by Black people whom they believe are too stupid to suss them out.

That article was the equivalent of a racist- sexist White woman trying to throw jealous shade at her Black, female "friend" for pulling a fine White dude at a party or for achieving any success she deems way too august for nigrah gals.

Whatever baggage he has from his last relationship is HIS and not yours or your responsibility. It's up to HIM to get over his shit so he can be a decent partner, not yours to constantly reassure him because no matter how often or how much you do, it'll never be enough for him. Girl, naw.

I'm with you. This is so ungood!

Oh and as for you younger White folks, I'm seeing just more of the same as your elders, a lot of lip service at certain times, in certain venues in front of certain people and no action.

And maybe many Black folks are tired of trying to convince them. By the way, I'm one of those older, middle-aged Black folks and there's no reason White people my age should be that dumb or ignorant...unless they want to be. I know I'm sick of repeating the same Racism 101 lessons to them, and most times to the SAME

You seem to be taking the gold for auto-fornication in this thread. I yield to the master.

You don't begrudge dude for being angry. How very White of you.

Then Black history just won't be taught at all, like how it was BEFORE Black History Month.

MLK was misogynist too as well as colorist, especially against Black women.

So, all those slave-raping White dudes were just very awkwardly showing their love and esteem for their Black victims?

Welp #solidarityisforwhitewomen after all.

You know if White folks don't witness it first hand, it didn't happen.

I guess since some of the slaves didn't mind being slaves then the rest of us darkies ought to be cool with working against our will for free and literally being owned then, huh?

"So yeah, it is actually pretty terrible to watch someone that you've just met trying to make youfit into their little box of world understanding. "

What about those of us whose ancestors didn't get to choose?

Lawd, won't SOMEBODY please think of the White women!

Too bad real life and the actual lived experiences of Black people totes contradict your statement.