Witchie PooPoo

Yeah. Don't get me started about the stigma of mental illness. That is near & dear to my heart. I HATE it is so misunderstood. So many ppl hide it if they can. Others can't & ppl r afraid of them or look down on them like they're weak. It is getting better tho. Say from about 50 yrs ago some treatments were barbaric.…

Excellent review!

Yep. Ur right. And Saul certainly had no prob fibbing!

I'm on a rewatch of BB. Saul just said something about his 2nd wife. Do u think he married Kim making her his 1st? Prob not. But they do love each other. And w/ Saul who even knows if it was true. Never mind…


Interesting. The things we learn from tv & internet! We must have seemed really dumb before internet & only having 3 networks. I have quite a bit of useless knowledge & am pretty good at Triva Pursuit. Some of u r not old enough to remember answering the phone not knowing who was on the other end or checking if ur bf…

Idk what was said as it was deleted but Nugent! Omg how I loved him & his ear splitting concerts back in the day. Now the dude's just a dick

I thought it might be the combination of where he had the tape stashed. That's where I used to keep mine.

I didn't know this. Prob a lot of u do - VG said at some point Chuck has ESH. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. It is a REAL condition not just made up for the show. There r more ppl w/ it than meth users so says an article.

Haven't seen this posted. Sorry if it already has been. The lawyer - Ms May I think. She said she discussed Chuck's condition w/ her husband. Isn't that like an "un-lawyery" thing to do or at least say u did? Chuck didn't seemed pissed but really? He doesn't make a sercret of his um, "disability" but I thought it…

And a danger to himself. I think. Because he is. He should be locked in a psych ward. I can't believe how these ppl enable him.

There's more than one way to get marijuana. But that didn't come from me. Actually my doc told me that.

This show keeps getting better & better.

Hey! Me too. Over 20 now w/ cancer. Kept coming back & metastasized. I knew there were others out there, just don't know any. They give me pain meds. Weed will be a long time coming in this backward state.

Me too!

Truth about the indifference. Hadn't thought of it that way. πŸ€“


I agree however idk how much love Chuck has for Jimmy. I think he is so incredibly jealous that it borders on sociopathic. That Jimmy was able to acquire a law license too is more than Chuck can take.

I did too! It was a "nice" show but the ppl want sex & violence so it had to go. Grrrr.

"Involved yet bored to death at the same time." Perfect description. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚