Wit & Giggles

Your argument doesn’t make a bit of sense... if resellers are finding name brand clothing at a thrift store, why should resellers be the only people allowed to buy it from said thrift stores??? Are you implying that people who are low income DON’T deserve brand names?

Joe Rogan gave your exact reply in defense, near verbatim:

Yes to the last part. Re-sellers usually stake out shops to grab the nicer stuff, like name brands or the item is in better condition, and then sell it for 10x is worth. The people who deserve nice things but can’t afford them, or who maybe would like to dress their kids in something not off-brand AND a resell item,

are you brain dead or something? I just explained in several post. That my muscle disease ( bethlem ) combined with my astma pretty much makes it impossible to do so. And i also work full time in health care. 12-14 days can mean 12-14 hours sitting on a chair or 12-14 construction work. It tells nothing about how

in short , yes the wall of text you right comes over way better. And indeed things can come over differently. But several people pointed your views out. Same goes for joe rogan. So there might be something in the delivery of the message.

I work 12-14 hour days / 115-130 hour pay periods and I’m a full time strongman competitor. You making excuses for working full time and not being able to be fit as a result is the poster child mentality for why 2/3 American are overweight or obese.  

You are victimblaming. You talk about being health also helps. That side stepping a lot of stuff here. Some people get sick from covid for born weakness. You pretty much type ( if not your message is very weird way of saying it) that healty living is good against covid. And health stuff helps. But like i said, that is

Even re-reading our comments to one another, and then reading your other comments, I still get the impression that you’re superficially agreeing that the vaccines are necessary but that you don’t think young and healthy people need them. If that’s not your point then I’ll chalk it up to a misreading on my point and

You’re repeating Joe Rogan’s points, and arguing with others as to why people don’t need to get vaccinated. I believe you’re trying to take some pressure off by initially stating that you’re pro-vax, but it’s hard to believe your sincerity when you counter your own points by agreeing with Rogan that “as long as you’re

Okay, don’t get the vaccine...but you’re a dumbass for not getting it, and a giant asshole for trying to convince others to not get it as well.

It wasn’t an isolated case though, and a millisecond Google search by you would give you proof.  I’ve already done my research, and you’re dismissal of basic facts leads me to believe that nothing anyone could post would change your mind. 

It is true that people with a more strident exercise regimen fare better overall with illness, but Nick Cordero was a Broadway performer who had SO MANY issues with Covid, and eventually succumbed to it. He was so very in shape, with singing and dancing nightly, that he SHOULD have survived. Instead, he had both of

Hell, the way its going she may as well get a custom rubber stamp that says ‘Fuck You and the Idiocy You Rode in On’

I’ve been wondering often what Sotomayor thinks of her current lot. It must be so dismaying to have to work with colleagues like this! But her voice is so necessary and important recently (this, death penalty cases, other dissents) that of course she must stay and I’m grateful she’s there. How frustrating.

Justice Sotomayor really eviscerated him in the dissent. Extra points to her for skipping a hypocritical “Respectfully” (though I suppose it could have been included and read sarcastically?)

Fuck that guy, and his ugly face, and his rancid opinions.  And Squi and PJ and Tobin, while we’re at it.

Do I need to explain how “a list” of something is not an excuse to use the statement “overwhelming majority”

 You really are just OVERWHELMINGLY white and male. 

It is common knowledge that harassment and assault targeting women occur at obscenely high rates in EVERY field. You can, quite literally, pick any job (White or Blue collar) and be “shocked” at the extremely high rates of harassment and assault.

The majority of people in the literary and academic world ARE White men. I’m mostly White, with a White father, married to a White man, and mother to a White son. As a person DEEPLY entrenched in a White family (my dad’s family) there isn’t a damn thing for which you should be angry in Emily’s (blog/article/what do we