I think it’s derived from her own lack of control, given that’s multiple former addicts have called her out for using substances during her recovery. She may be in a manic period, though she says her BP diagnosis was wrong (though I’m not very knowledgeable about her life, I read that she believes that her diagnosis…
There are so many stores and brands that offer “diet-friendly” options (whether referring to a specific medical condition, a weight-loss diet, or either/both), that I’m so perplexed why she chose to jump on this particular small business. Like, has she never heard of diet soda...? My only hope is that by pushing them…
**Saw a comment defending *them*
Jeez, that was a HUGE misstep on my part. It’s so ingrained for me to see their femininity and equate that to ‘her’, and that’s an uphill battle I willingly climb.
WTF??? What was normalized for her as a child?? I’m not ashamed to be naked in front of my mom, because come on, but a lingerie photoshoot is not the same!
Famous for being exploited and pushed into child marriage. It's not rape if you marry her first. 🤬
No need to edit, I understood that to be what you wrote in your original post! I'm sorry if I made it seem as if I was directing that towards you personally.
Yeah, I consider them as sympathizers to someone who was married off to an old creep when they were a teenager, and who was regularly victimized by the media, and bitches like Chrissy Teigan (who regularly slut/victim-shames Stodden, or did until Stodden became an adult and it wasn’t fun anymore).
I will never understand the phenomenon of people who take time to post “who???” or “why do we care??” comments on articles about celebrities. If I don’t know or care about the person being covered I simply scroll past. Perhaps you could explain it to me?
Can I ask a dumb question? Why is Joan writing ‘people who do gender,’ when - google tells me non-binary means you essentially claim no gender. I just don’t quite get it.
Thank you for the polite response, as I had to log off for a few days from a couple of the responses.
The point was comparing Khloe’s other, *very edited*, photos to this particular photo. She presents a very specific view, LITERALLY, of herself. Other photos show her paper-freaking-thin waist, at a specific angle,…
You really should back off - you’re misunderstanding what she wrote and the intent of it.
You’re really going to ride my ass this hard? Do I need to get my friend to make a Kinja account so you can rant to her? How many goddamn times do I need to say this isn't my view and I think she looks fine? Give me a goddamn break ffs. You going to bully me into crying, will that finally appease you? Or am I going to…
You’re being a damn bully to JustAnotherAngryWoman. You’re beating her up because she shared what a professional trainer said about a freaking celebrity. Why are you bullying her to protect a woman that is earning millions by selling a distorted image of herself? Damn woman lay off.
These CELEBRITY trainers and nutritionists take in hundreds of thousands of dollars to get CELEBRITIES into tip-top condition. Think Rebel Wilson, Jennifer Hudson, Jessica Simpson, Jonah Hill, Henry Cavill, etc.
My friend doesn’t think Khloe isn’t fit in that photo. I think you’re confusing “Hollywood fit” and “normal people fit”, which aren’t the same. Thighs that touch are a Hollywood no-no. Having an inch of belly fat is a HUGE no-no. My friend didn’t make that rule- Hollywood and celebrity/fashion-obsessed fans did.
Argue with the fitness industry, because the back of my thighs and I would love to agree with you. Cellulite hasn’t been considered acceptable on health and fitness models since at least the early aughts.
I tried to state as many times as I could in my original post that it was not my opinion, but from a friend who is a personal trainer that was judging from the image Khloe K is trying to push. A commenter asked what was wrong with this photo and after having this exact discussion yesterday, I chimed in with what a…
Lol, I actually do work out at least 5 times a week, and am quite an accomplished home cook (no pre-packaged preservative-filled sodium extravaganzas) and baker... but I do also have extremely limited self-control over the quantity of food that I eat. I LOVE eating, and have a hard time saying no to grazing. I will…
Yes to all this!