Wit & Giggles

I really don’t understand the appeal of an 18/19 yr old to anyone older than 20, but maybe that’s after seeing way too many grown-ass men with countdown clocks for pre-teens and teens, waiting for the day when they’re “legal”. Whether they’re straight (Gavin Newsom and Brittanie Mountz, Henry Cavill and Tara King) or

All the guardrails come off when you involve an app like Snapchat. It makes the perpetration of something like this a billion times easier, and the ones who are inclined to do it are enabled that much more when they use it. Now it’s going to be a purely he said + he said matter because the chats no longer exist, but

At this point it’s a wonder why he continues to go after anyone under the age of 21, not only because they’re young and immature, but because it’s just waaaayyyy too “they’re not kids, they’re adults!” even though they can’t legally drink or smoke (my state of Texas upped to 21 a few years ago, not sure where other

Every other time until now he’s had the receipts to back up his side, but this time he hasn’t posted a thing so I’m wondering if it’s true. With as many people who’ve tried to set him up over the last couple of years, it just boggles the mind if it is.

As a Texan that is part of a municipality, I’m going to ignore the arrogance and condescension in your reply (ESPECIALLY given that this is an article about the senseless death of an 11 year old boy- a child) and educate you on what’s going on:

It wasn’t her fault. The power shut off in the middle of the night while they were sleeping. It’s entirely the power company’s fault. This death was 100% preventable.

Weren’t you the fuckface who admitted that you like to jerk it to women being used and abused in that ERW/Marilyn Manson blog the other day? So you just hate women in general, like when they voice opinions and shit. Got it. The only appropriate position for a woman is with her mouth gagged, and on all fours, right? 

Word to the wise:  White people always know exactly what the fuck they said.

“He said: ‘This is so cool – when you’re in there, nobody can hear you, not even the Chinese. It’s so secret.”

Secret service: “ Can I go on Trump detail? Sure he’s batshit insane, but at least he’s sedentary. “

Well that was creepily predatory and close to an abuser grooming his target. ...I knew she liked it, he said, stripping her of agency...

I don’t trust he’d leave her alone even for a day. Nothing he says shows empathy and respectful boundaries.

could we give him back his Twitter access for just one hour after this is released just to hear his thoughts? LOL

This moment was just unbelievable to me. I don’t understand the unwillingness to even consider if he was in the wrong in this situation - what do you have to gain by not even questioning if perhaps you were mistaken after so much time? 

What do celebrity couples do/talk about? I don’t think Gwen and Blake have deep conversations, ditto for Kim and Kanye. Do they act like business partners? Do they just sit around and scroll through their Instagram accounts? I know this is wasted brain time, but every time I see an article like this I think about it. 

Yeah, Melania was usually his walking-aid, especially for ramps and stairs, so when she wasn’t around he had to make do with whoever was beside him.

1) it sounds like Trump had an unsteady gait and needed help but wanted to hide it. My gut instinct went there because a handful of old people in my life just grabbed my hand or forearm when they need to get across a street or step over something. Never bothered me, but that’s what it reminded me of.

This. Sooo much this.

It’s delightful to hear that Schumer might be edging toward a faint desire to be helpful. Now if only he had the charm or tactical acumen to actually do it, we’d be getting somewhere.

he reportedly told officers on the scene that he thought he’d killed his girlfriend and apologized during his arrest, saying, “I don’t beat women.”