Wit & Giggles

When I was very sick (116 pounds at 5'9) people used to tell me I looked like a super model. It was really hard hearing how great I looked when I was barely eating. I make it a point to NEVER compliment someone on their weight loss unless THEY bring it up saying something like “Hey, I’ve been working really hard at

I have a mental illness. I was “the crazy one” and since therapy was a bad word in my house growing up, I was constantly shamed for it. I finally got help for it in college (which is also when I realized my problems with food were actually really serious and could have killed me). My sister, meanwhile, hasn’t been

It's my dog. I'm not kidding. 

Oh, cool. Another faux racist complaint. I knew Lana would get in trouble for this for naming names, and perhaps she even did that to get press. We all know the ire it draws. She’s criticizing top 40 hits, which have glorified similar bullshit for years and years - used to be Madonna and Britney. She’s citing who had

she felt compelled to throw a bunch of black women under the bus” or do you think its because the women she named are all in the billboard top 50.

Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil and Dr. Drew are on national TV spewing a bunch of inaccurate “science” and pushing to reopen when we are nowhere near the end of this pandemic. All of those shit heads had to walk back their interviews because they were called out by the actual science community.

I think you’ll find it’s pronounced starting with the sound of crying on the school playground and ending with that of a pen scratching a signature on to an emancipation document.

I look forward to May 2038 when this kid changes his name to “John.”

Yeah , I don’t quite understand why people aren’t unified over the idea that Pretty Much Any Democrat is better than Pretty Much Any Republican at this point.

I’m not sure I agree that Hillary was more well liked, but as a candidate she was leaps and bounds better than Biden. I may not have voted for her in the primary, but I didn’t dread voting for her in the general whatsoever.

Now it feels as though we’ve gone from a once in a lifetime moment of spiritual healing as a nation, to once again resentfully voting for a bad candidate you don’t believe in because the other option is the embodiment of evil.

I hate to break it to you, but it’s possible to be disenchanted by Biden as a candidate and think that Trump is a menace who shouldn’t get re-elected at the same time.

Then please feel free to tell the Biden team that they don’t need to worry about online engagement because they seem to think the exact opposite.

Literally none of the people who write for this site have taken that position.

This is one of the most disappointing elections of my lifetime. For the first time ever there were multiple candidates I would not just joyfully vote for but enthusiastically campaign for. I felt optimistic about the future of my country and the democratic party. I allowed myself to get invested in the process, even

Sounds like it came from the same lab as “Be Best”


Bernie didn’t even win the nomination, but let’s call a thing a thing: They had a better online operation than Biden does and a lot of supporters were out there making Bernie meme-able, something the Biden campaign is thirsty to do.

He might lose some of that support because of the credible rape allegation.  They might just stay home. 

Moms from the suburbs—read, white—who spend a lot of time on Facebook.