This seems to have become a popular talking point with liberals desperate to dismiss these allegations, and it is bullshit.
This seems to have become a popular talking point with liberals desperate to dismiss these allegations, and it is bullshit.
“Listen to women!”
The single is great. I belt it almost daily right now. I relate SO MUCH to it - as do many, many people. I’m so frustrated for them. I am *dying* to know what the whole album is like. Pasdar sounds like a real fuckboy.
2.4 million people had to die for the Dixie chicks to be proven right.
Remember when Demi Moore basically disappeared for nearly a decade after GI Jane before finally reemerging in her big comeback as the sexy villain in the Charlies Angels sequel? She was raising her kids in Idaho and, according to her filmography, only producing in the interim.
The explanation makes more sense if you read the next paragraph... apparently the kid got poked with a needle and they had to wait in LA for test results after getting treatment, and that was at the same time that travel was shutting down. So sounds like maybe they were supposed to meet up in Idaho and she got delayed…
Also kids who won’t get off my lawn.
The *real* new circle of hell is this bullshit slideshow format.
Thanks millennial, but the old circles of hell are good enough for me.
My read was that the author’s soul died because Bernie laughed, implying it’ll be a really, really long time before anyone can go out again. So, not the conversation in general, but rather the implication that we’re all fucked for a while.
I’m sorry JLo. You possess unearthly beauty and an admirable passion and drive for your work, but I really don’t care about your eleventieth mega wedding, whenever it may be. That’s not even the virus talking. I feel like we have a good sense of JLo’s aesthetic and appreciation of all things luxe, so there isn’t even …
My mother used to make us do this as kids as punishment for bad grades.
My mother used to make us do this as kids as punishment for bad grades.
I sincerely don't understand how people don't see this. There is a fundamental rot here that Trump is a symptom and a catalyst of. Beating him would only be a start. And Joe Biden is not someone who seems interested in doing any more than the least possible to do even that.
I’m aware of what he said. Given the nature of how lines to vote actually work in this country, especially in cities, and given the fact that there would obviously be less in-person voting locations in the first place, it was false reassurance.
“more than ok” is a low bar! Some of those are fine, although I’m not sure we really need John Kerry and Susan Rice to round out Obama 2.0-White Guy Edition. But the point still stands, I don’t think there is any way that Biden can be trusted to “stock his cabinet with a bunch of progressive people,” and that 2/3s…
The similarities between Trump and our new champion are pretty insane: Racist, misogynist, narcissist, evolving dementia, pathological lying, awkward stupidity (yes, Biden is really fucking stupid, and unlike Trump he can’t play it off), insanely delusional reality-denying fans.
I mean, did you see the list of possible appointments that was floated by the Biden camp? It included Mike Bloomberg as head of the World Bank, Jamie fucking Dimon and Anne Finucane (CEO of Bank of America) as Treasury Secretary. I don’t care too much about VP, a position with no inherent authority, but I already…
Thanks? I think everyone understands that Bernie lost. I think this article is about how Biden’s winning this primary, and looking to win the general election, with appeal to nostalgia for a time when America was still fundamentally broken and fundamentally failed to fulfill its promise for many ordinary Americans, is…
This whole can be boiled down to one simple line: people fear change.
Biden’s campaign slogan could just as easily be “Make America Great Again” as Trump’s, with the difference being the “Again” points to, like, the 1890s for Trump and to 2013 for Biden.