
Tell me more about this Poorn Sx. Sounds great.

Isn’t the lifespan of a Chrysler minivan usually measured in transmissions, rather than years?

Holding is not legal.

Ahem: go fuck yourself

Ehhh, this is an argument of “best” vs “most entertaining”

Here’s what you and Bill Simmons don’t seem to understand. There’s great content out there everywhere. Grantland didn’t invent great content and it didn’t disappear when it shut down. It just happens to be a lot easier to find when you link it to a sports website that just about every person in the United States has

Now playing

Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.

I was saying Mathieu-urns.

OK, sorry, no one was wondering that.

Hey readers!

Look man if you’re going to prison you’ve probably made some bad decisions along the way

Consumers: We want more fuel efficient cars.
Industry: Here’s a 50 mpg CRX.
Consumers: AWESOME.
Government: That’s not safe. Make it heavier.
Industry: These new cars are safe, but not very efficient.
Government: Unacceptable. Make them more efficient.
Physics: Psht. Heh.
Industry: These are safe and efficient, but not in

Stop being such a baby.

Yeah! Like an asshole that wants to eat, and pay rent, and stuff. Unbelievable! Getting a job. And then doing it! What an asshole.

Pretty sure furiously is the only way Greg Schiano knows how to masturbate.

Finale? Didn’t it start like 4 days ago? Are seasons 2 episodes long?


Because Jose has a long and storied history of giving kids a chance?

edit: we both know he’d thrive at Liverpool, as much as we’d hate to admit that.

What Billy won’t say: Pulisic is better than Messi.

This seems like a perfectly cromulent idea!