
Is a chicken pot pie truly a pie if it has a top but no bottom? I got into an argument with a friend about this and he says yes. If something is to be called a pie, whether it’s sweet or savory, it needs to have some kind of bottom crust. What my friend believes to be a chicken pot pie is, in fact, a chicken cobbler.

You’re certainly free to feel as though they are acting like spoiled little shits. I’m not going to argue with you on that one. But it did happen.

Actually, since a lot of the hillfolk in question have Irish and Scots-Irish roots, they very much do have a right to make exactly those political implications. Many of their ancestors settled in Appalachia after they were driven away by those imperialists.

I’m with Joel. I’ll take it. I’ll take it all. You’re right about everything. This team pulled me in one last time just as I was ready to walk away from the NFL forever. At least it was a happy goodbye.

I like to imagine - and thoroughly believe - that he not only posed for this photo with all of the intense concentration of reading a zero blitz, but that he didn’t actually know what he was doing and the photographer had to help him. That’s definitely his “I’ve been doing this for five minutes - didjagetityet?” face.

How long did you spend researching nautical terms to write all of these metaphors? Or am I the only asshole in the world who wasn’t raised on a pirate ship? It seems like everyone else on this godforsaken marble tosses around seafaring terms like they just stepped off their last voyage.

Forget about buying used tires. If you can’t afford new tires, remember that other people with your type of car are likely in the same boat. Therefore, they are unlikely to upgrade to new tires unless their current set won’t pass inspection. Therefore, any tires you are likely to find on a used tire heap won’t pass

They’re a Christian Rock band from back in the 2000s. Pretty popular in the Lutheran Church circuit. And boy did they make West Ham look foolish.

Would you rather see him get dragged into the 987,675th pissing match we’ve seen so far in this fuckstick’s presidency?

Impressive explanation of a situation that is equal parts quaint and ridiculous. About as succinct an explanation of the politics of the GAA as I’ve ever seen. Well done.

Shout out Hagerstown. Good call on not stopping in Chambersburg, just across the MASON DIXON LINE in PA. That’s where I grew up, and ain’t fuck all there. Including me. I’m not there anymore.

That’s exactly the type of advice I usually go to Reddit for. Brava, good sir. Bravo? Whichever. I shall investigate said mice post haste.

I gave a groom’s speech at my wedding, solely for the purpose of sneaking yet another Simpsons reference into the day’s festivities. Still not sure my wife caught on to all of them.

My wife and I gladly inherited a grandmother clock (because apparently that’s a thing) from her grandparents when they moved into assisted living, because we thought it would look cool in our living room (it does).

And they both lost to the Phillies. What a marvelous year that was.

Guys, guys, guys, let's not go overboard with all these crazy new ideas. Baseball is just fine being played the same way for the last 140 years. It's way too late to change now.

So...are we going to fall victim to the bystander effect here? I assume a sizable portion of the 112k hits on this story will result in angry texts and emails to this little chode, so I decide I don’t need to, but then everyone else says the same thing and the little bastard wriggles out from under it yet again?

Yeah, he totally answered the wrong version of that guy’s question. Weird Al’s band has a strong case for the best collection of musicians in the last 35 years for all of the reasons you have listed. And that’s what the guy asked. Best Musician.

I wasn’t going to post because I know it’s useless doing so a day late, but I have to do this.

Woodergate. Outstanding.