
He could be talking about Zay or Matthews. Matthews was a perfectly decent slot receiver in Philly, but he could NOT play outside. Don’t know where he’s lining up in Buffalo, but if it’s outside, he is definitely underperforming.

Hinkie worship is for simple minds.

Little known fact: The word Chooch is Spanish for “National Goddamn Treasure.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as excited for the Sixers this year as I am for the Flyers, and Burneko’s shit gets real old after a while.

But this - this is hilarious.

Nah, dude deserved it. If you get any shit for challenging a dude’s brag, then the world we once loved is officially lost. You also had every right to laugh your ass off in his general direction afterwards.

A FB friend of mine absolutely did. I arrived at this post because someone linked it in a comment to point out his gullability.

Obligatory “true fans of the team always knew” nonsense....

This one was better.

Yes, this was adorable.

You don’t have to like the show. But not liking the show doesn’t make HIM unlikable as a person. That was his point. Full stop.

Millennials are doing plenty about their situation, but if the only ones you ever interact with are the ones who sit around and complain about it online, you would be of the mistaken opinion that they are all millennials.

You are awesome. Not that this whole thing has been hugely important to my happiness and overall welfare, but the fact that you followed through on digging this up is pretty cool. Thank you.

Well that’s fun. It would have been nice to see the “cool part” that McQuade was talking about.

Am I missing something? This video doesn’t have the fourth wall comment Cena supposedly said. Did WWE edit this promo before posting it to YouTube?

Correct. Money does not buy happiness, but judicious use of money can sure ward off unhappiness pretty damn well.

All I can see is that it looks like he started his leg kick before he stepped off. He only got his foot six inches off the ground before he put it back down to step off the rubber, but I would accept the interpretation that this was the start of his pitching motion.

If only there had been some pre-defined period of time where players could run through drills that would reinforce proper tackling technique so they could execute it properly at game speed...

Oh that’s right, guys aren’t allowed to tackle in training camp anymore.

From what I understand, which isn’t a whole lot, getting a union population as diverse and vulnerable as the “rank and file”, as he puts it here, to be willing to strike is almost always a non-starter.

I just...don’t see it that way. The only easy way I see to lead with your shoulder (as you have described) is to come in sideways. The head is always going to be at the front of your body, even if you are angling yourself so your shoulder makes the primary impact.

He didn’t lead with his head. He led with his shoulder. His head was there because that’s what heads do. They sit at the top of your body.