
Led with his shoulder, aimed for his chest. The head-to-head portion was not the primary point of impact. If this becomes illegal, then we might as well just convert the league to flag football and be done with it.

I feel for the guy, I really do. And I hate headhunting as much as the next guy. But this defender did

You must be new here. Welcome!

And allowing corporations to operate in that vacuum and not considering the macroeconomic consequences is how the corporate class of this country is destroying everything good.

Doesn’t he, though? He certainly used to.

You must be new here. Welcome!

Are you right or are you wrong? I believe this is the wrong question.

The Philly-Pittsburgh rivalry has more to do with family dynamics than it does physical proximity. We hate each other like you hate the cousins in your family who just won’t stop secretly mocking your choice of career and lifestyle. It has more to do with thinking the other group gives your state a bad name than it

It absolutely could be both. I just didn’t want to absolve the seemingly smart white people by associating it only with stupid while people.

Stupid white people stuff.

Amen. Too many people live life like it’s supposed to be a goddamn daytime soap opera. Chill out, lighten up, and enjoy the ride.

Can you ask Magary to include an email of the week that isn’t just another poop story? We already get one of those every Jamboroo, and another whole post of them at the end of the season.

Not their problem. This is still good news for them.

If I walk across the street at the right time to leave my office in the afternoon, I encounter a woman who uses entire damn over-the-ear cans when she drives. I will always allow for the possibility that they serve some actual purpose, but the day I find out they don’t, and that she thinks that’s a good idea, that’s

Because you are blocking out ambient sounds. It’s not just the car horn, it’s the other sounds you hear on the road that alert you to changing conditions and the traffic around you. You can’t look 360 degrees around you at all times, but the average human with normal hearing can hear 360 degrees around them.

I won’t

You came to the wrong blog to get anything more than a raft of crap back for that opinion. You’re certainly welcome to it, but “you probably don’t either” misses the mark with this community.

I can’t figure out a way to say this without sounding like an annoying Processor, so apologies on advance.

Because unfortunately we as a society have lost sight of the idea that sometimes we have to be nice to each other and lend a hand. I won’t even blame this on the GOP - it’s the Boomers that poisoned the water with the “got mine” attitude. They gamed the system to their benefit for the last fifty years and now that

I fear a version of UBI that is sold as a replacement for our existing social services. Sure welfare could go out the window, but I don’t see how it solves the healthcare debate. We would still need a complex regulatory bureaucracy to keep the private healthcare market in check. You can see the dollar signs in the

Hinkie only had once instance of trading said high drafted players, and he was vindicated immediately. MCW was a dumpster fire waiting to happen, and he got back real value. He dumped an asset before it turned bad. Swing and a miss on one pick, but at least he was smart enough to have a backup plan.

Basic logic would suffice. Though it can’t be proven any more confidently than you can prove there wasn’t. Absence of evidence is not the same as proof of denial.