Wish upon a Stig

But NASCAR drivers are the greatest racing drivers in the world! I know because the commentators said so.

Car TV shows suck because when I watch them with my dad he knows everything about the cars and everyone on the show is a “dumbass” or “fuckstick” who doesn’t know anything.

It used to be cool to hate him, but in truth he’s always been a funny guy (youtube Vettel autosport awards) and he is showing a better side now as he has matured, this season he has truly blossomed into a all round great guy who respects the history and meaning of the sport. You can like him.

Your wife’s car isn’t crap because it cost $34K. Your wife’s car is crap because it’s an Escape.

When the hell is F1 going to get pried loose from the death grip of that disturbing, despicable little troll of a man?

I’m pretty sure Bernie wakes up wrong every morning and just gets wronger throughout the day. When the hell is F1 going to get pried loose from the death grip of that disturbing, despicable little troll of a man?

In other words: this is almost certainly Bernie’s fault.

It would be a victory for ice cream enthusiasts everywhere. I’m all for it.

If thats what happened then.....

So....fresh graffiti canvas, no? I forsee a giant “JALOPNIK” mural going in...

James is not happy.

And I haven’t read it, I’ve jumped straight to the comments to file complaint.

Ricky, who lives in Sunnyvale

That was epic. I always want the Corvettes to win anyway, but that was pass of the race for sure.

Apparently the fight started when Arian Foster said he didn’t believe in a God, and RG3 got upset because “I am clearly right here” he said.

Kimi seemed unaffected by the gas.

Producer, Lv 17
HP (=======__) 55 / 71

Whoooeeeee ya’ll! Them there is a true southern boy! We dun raisedum right turning left! Now you run off an git your barefoot pregnant sister a pack of Marlboro reds.