Wish upon a Stig

He will just stick a piece of paper in there and call it good. Who needs a gauge? Not Freddy!

So you are perturbed by the fact that the car is to good? I wish more car companies put this much effort into there cars.

Don’t forget racial profiling! Ok, back to Jalopnik.

I wouldn’t say the studio bits are bad, just not as good as out of studio bits. The cool wall was fantastic and the news was good (still looking for a good V12 block for my living room)

60% of the time, the plane will work 100%

For when your lambo isn’t fast enough. Geez dats quick.


That is half the fun of coming here. We all may say mean things, but at the end of the day, we are Jalops. So what if we think the Miata is the greatest car on Earth, or that we all want a beige Volvo wagon.

Great read as always Tyler, One of the few planes I have pic’s of. One of my favorites that still fly today (SR-71 is the other) These pictures were taken at the Denver Air & Space Museum in April of 2015 (Yes, I was there for 4/20) The one that they had their was a B-1A. Little bit different, but still the same. This

Think of it as a pizza, then putting

I stand corrected. That is my fault, maybe I ought to do my research before I speak. Thank!

Storage, holding all those movies and show take up large amounts of data. And I’m guessing they have a flow chart that shows the views dropping. Once they drop enough they get rid of them. Saves on having to build even more server farms.

They have had it the past few years at the 500 too. I think they on Carb Day or that weekend. And Indy we can still bring coolers and shit. One of the perks of being around so long, they have realized to give and little and things go way better.

I doubt the doors are from a Civic, knowing the Olsberg’s the only thing stock on this is a bolt holding on the dash.

Why not Indy? Downtown has enough room for the parks and ramps, and they are still within range of IMS, or just hold it all in IMS. It already has everything set up for large events. ( Not to mention this year is the 100th running.)

Yep, its all down to the surface. It needs to have high friction, but not grab it. And to give the FIA credit, some of the tracks have a paved run-off and gravel pits.

Ok, I’ll give them that, but the Model E hasn’t been made in what, 50 years? Nobody outside of ford fans and jalops knew they had one. This was some low hanging fruit for them to pick, and they did.

Uhhh, you just said it. Tesla, at it’s core, is based around uprooting the car buying market. Just think about this, would you rather buy your car straight from the manufacturer instead of a shady guy trying to get you to buy the $1000 undercoat? I know I would rather buy from the factory.

Because I was so confused when I would search for Ferrari F1 car and kept seeing a ugly ass truck. Thanks Ford!!!

I don’t wanna say I could design it better, but...