
This deserves many more likes.

She didn't recuse herself from that trip, though. She was in the limo singing Stevie Nicks with everyone else.

I adore Katya, but I'm not mad at Alaska's win. Preordained doesn't necessarily indicate undeserved, after all.

This is the truest thing I have ever read.

I don't understand how anyone feels that they can honestly assess her performance either way, since the camera people forgot that she existed.


No need to explain it, everyone can see.

I'm as white as your hooded robe.

Not really my favorite. I prefer my entertainment with a little more color, just like every woman you ever dreamed of dating.

Not unlike your dick. Except for the "cute" part.

It's not the brown people that make your dick tiny, dear.

Yep. I adore Katya, but if we're being honest the entire point of this season is to give Alaska a crown, and I'm okay with that since she earns it.

THAT'S IT!!! Thank you, that's been bugging me.

Nah, they failed all on their own. They were sour and the lip sync was lifeless.

Leaving actual personalities aside, the difference is that Bianca is freakin' hilarious and I still quote her daily. I know we're only two episodes in, but Betty hasn't said anything actually memorable yet, yet alone made me laugh out loud.