
No interest is a great deal, deferred payments are a terrible idea financially. 

That happened to a buddy of mine in college. Him and his future wife bought a Mitsubishi Galant GTZ with 12 months deferred (IIRC). They thought it was a great deal, until they realized they were steeply underwater once payments began. 

Now playing

The best Hellraiser treatment in recent years is still from the Venture Brothers

Thats awesome. 

I would watch the hell out of that. It would need to be done with same seriousness of the originals, just with Model Ts. 

Police chases are dangerous, and cops obviously shouldn’t kill innocent people. However, you don;t know why a car is fleeing until you catch up with it. It could be something minor, or it could be something serious. You simply don’t know.

I love a good art film or something that takes everything to the nth degree, but 99% of movies and shows aren’t that. 

Think this through. You buy a beater for a couple of grand. It will end up costing you a few grand more over the coming years in repairs, and will also likely leave you stranded at one point or another. For many people in this position, missing work due to bad transportation will get you fired. If you don’t have a

That article says that for many of those delinquencies were for customers with no history of delinquencies. Meaning they were handling their payments just fine, until the pandemic hit. Its hard to judge them when faced with an unprecedented situation 

80s pop-culture references work a lot better than 80s gaming references. It no surprise that Disney focused on its considerable catalog to put as many references in as it could. 

This is exactly right. I just looked up the book on Wikipedia, and was bored just reading it. 

Apparently its a bad take, but i enjoyed the movie. Its especially entertaining with a solid subwoofer in a home theater setup. Its not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it doesn’t need to be. It didn’t “change my life”, but it kept me entertained for its whole run time.

I saw this too. Its pretty damning

I hope to be able to take advantage of low used car prices like I did during the great recession. When it hit, I got a 2 year old LR3 with 32k miles for less than $20k. I’m in the market again, and unless the Defender gets some ridiculous incentives put on its hood, I’ll be going used. My truck isn’t shot, so I can

That really is a good looking SUV, and I don’t know any reason why they couldn’t do it. It looks like a 70s series LC or even a Defender 110 in profile. Since we can’t get either of those in the US, it seems like a sure thing. 

I’ve never seen an old one for sale. I presume they’re out there, but maybe not in the midwest.

Why? She wasn’t lecturing people to stay at home from a mega mansion, this was a fun thing she did with her family to support a theater. What’s the problem? 

When you only sell 3,500 a year, its not really printing money though. If they dropped it to $60k I have to imagine they’d at least be able to get back up to where the 100 series was, at 14k or so a year. 

I have kids. Leather all the way. 

Im in my late 30s and have been a metal head since the early 90s. In Flames is still one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. Just phenomenal stage show and energy.