
In the distance, a faint sound........

I’m not too proud to admit that my eyes watered a little at the first sight of that picture. 

I mean, at least you had the balls to post your own version instead of just being a mouthy internet hero. I like it. A+

I’ll take that as a compliment, haha. 

Yeah, this is a knockout. It’s amazing how far Hyundai/Kia has come.

Kinda what I was going for I guess. 

Fair enough. Just an idea, nothing more. Thanks for the constructive criticism.

Clear background - Literally what BMW themselves has just done. Gradient - How else would you like to convey chrome in a 5 minute Photoshop? As far as your comment of ‘losing connection’, it’s literally the Bavarian flag, same as the current and traditional.

They did make the jump from homebrew shit with Alfred to Lucius Fox’s department quite quick. Watching Bruce and Alfred make the suit was pretty neat and I wished for more of that myself. 

Counterpoint: It’s fine. Your ‘improved’ version just looks like a generic, meaningless symbol or emoji. I far prefer the lettering with it. I feel like focusing on the ‘propeller’ (yeah, I know that’s not it) is the opposite of what should’ve been done. They’re transitioning into new territory, and doing new things.

‘Fliqwud’. Hip and trendy. 

You don’t think Wayne Industries has a need for their own fleet of cargo trucks? The fuck?

King Shark gets his own series or GTFO

What can’t won’t we blame on Trump these days.


Phenomenal car. Arguably better than the M5. The right year, the right trans, all the right pieces and parts, and ultra low mileage.

Still not worth it. I’d be a buyer at 15k. Not 21. 

As much as ID2 sucked, I’m still completely in for 3. Make it. 

Looking back 20+ years ago, when I was a young nerd dreaming of the societal advances that a free, worldwide, open internet could bring.... This is the type of content I’d envisioned. This is absolutely apex internet. Tremendous.

I’ll allow it.

Fitting that you call it a bulldog, because that’s exactly the impression I get from it. A terribly inbred, goofy looking little slobber machine that can’t run with the other dogs. A dog that looks ridiculous compared to most other dogs. Dogs created by rich folk that try and amplify their goofiness while ignoring
