
People like to tear down greatness because they can’t accept that they aren’t great themselves. That’s why we’re in this everyone’s-a-winner society right now. There’s not denying that The Cat is/was not a ‘good man’ in his past, and we can talk about the reasons why until we’re all blue in the face. But there’s also

Seems to me like the author simply saw a meme online and decided to make a post based on conjecture and not actual experience. Rural roads aren’t corn mazes, and anyone that lives in those areas knows how to operate. This is yet another ‘city opinion’ on a rural issue. We laugh at them, and move along.

Then how do you reconcile that with the scenes in ROTS where Yoda says the Force ghosting is a skill discovered by Qui-Gon? Qui-Gon passes the skill to Yoda who passes the skill to Obi-Wan, and then obviously from Obi-Wan to Luke. All of this information comes after Anakin has turned. Before the prequels? Fine.

My question about that has always been “How?”. How did he achieve balance? It’s implied that at the end, there’s only Luke left, and a potential talent in Leia. That’s 1.5 to the good. Where’s the balance? Where’s the 1.5 bad guys? This whole notion of balance has been hamfisted and poorly done since TPM dropped. IMO,

Anakin being a Force ghost in the end was nominally acceptable before the prequels came along. As I responded to another commenter, before the prequels, Force ghost was generally understood to be just ‘Dead Jedi’. Then the prequels come along and George decides to make Force ghosting an acquired skill. It’s implied

No, it’s definitely not. But it’s been laid out pretty clearly that achieving Force Ghost was something that was explained (in the prequels, admittedly) to only come to Yoda and Obi-Wan via Qui-Gon. Anakin being there at the end in any form was nonsense, cheap pop, and not consistent with what was laid out about the

100% agreed, and I’ll fight to the death the position that Anakin was never redeemed in any sense. He had no business as a Force ghost at the end. One good decision while taking your last breath after a life of genocide does not a redemption make.

Depends on how you want to frame his supposed ‘redemption’. I never saw his saving of Luke from the Emperor as a redemption. I mean, 5 minutes before he dumped Palps down the reactor he threatened Leia’s life. He wasn’t redeemed. He was a shitbag whose last decision happened to be a positive one. Had he lived and

Makes it all the more embarrassing, doesn’t it?

Late 30's Harley-cult and traditional Harley hater here... They do make a few bikes that are starting to be a bit attractive to me anyway. Street Bob and Fat Bob are pretty gnarly, the upcoming Pan America and Bronx look like they could be winners. It’s like they have the right ideas but just can’t stop themselves

The only way Harley could be any more stereotypical or more of a failure is if they actively decided to just focus on their core customer base and keep making inferior bikes marketed to fake hardasses and trailer park managers......

Wait, what?

I absolutely do not want to see any established, known actress to play Ahsoka. She’s such a fantastic character that having any thoughts in your mind about ‘who is playing her’ will feel inauthentic and kind of insulting to me. Rosario Dawson is a fine actress, but all you’ll see is ‘Rosario in makeup’. Ashley is the

We’re at the point where, in every single big industry in the US, a couple of companies run everything. And they don’t compete with each other to see how they can benefit customers, but rather how they race to the bottom can peacefully and profitably coexist by charging similar prices, offering similar services, and

God bless you, sir. 

Not gonna lie, I thought that was Shawn Michaels. He’s just a saxy boy. 

Not gonna lie, I read this in Carl’s voice and it made it 10x better.

Ranked in order of ugliness:
1. 2019-current
2. 78-81
3. 82-84
4. 74-77
5. 98-02
6. 93-97
7. 85-92
8. 2010-2015
9. 2016-2018
10. 70-73
11. 67-68
12. 1969

I’m going to be the bad guy here I’m sure but, oh well. I think it’s a neat idea absolutely ruined by horrendous taste in the goofy custom paint, the stickers, that terrible back panel, the upside down tail lights, and the awful interior. Don’t get me wrong, the build is cool, but could have been so, so much better

Not a fan of the Jeep-like ultra-short wheelbase and tiny cargo area. Broncos were always longer than this and I think it was a big advantage to buying them instead of a Jeep.  Would have been a bit more attractive and a bit more Bronco-like if it had a 10" or so extended wheelbase and they put all that space behind

I love it. It’s honestly tamer than I had expected and hoped, but I love it.