
I want to see Mad Max: Fury Road sweep, though I fear the Academy might prefer the more subdued and superficial Mad Max: Oregon Trail.

Ridley Scott wasn't nominated. Iñárritu won last year.

It's the 'Mad Men' effect.

Mad Max: Oregon Trail

At the end of episode 2 or 3? I woke up for that and wondered why Netflix had switched over to Old Boy.

Good reminder that I still need to slog through season 1 without falling asleep halfway through each episode.

That hole looked more George Miller-shaped to me, though I suppose Ridley Scott could be blocking it from view, because he's about the same size.

Everyone at this table hates David O. Russell and can't figure out what Tom Hooper is doing there. Otherwise, good stuff.

I'm not a sexist asshole, I just have a strong preference for well-written, well-developed characters, no matter their sex or gender.

But what's the difference between specific "Force Awakens" and generic "Star Wars"?

Rey always lands on Free Parking, always gets out of jail for free, and collects $200 every time another player passes Go.

"Core, whose credits include shooting the first The Fast And The Furious…"

Still doesn't stop the fanboys from insisting that everyone talk about this movie with the deference and low expectations you'd usually reserve for a five-year-old's dance recital.

I spent my weekend trying to spare the feelings of my friends that convinced themselves that Force Awakens is a great movie. Then when pushed to actually discuss the movie, I spent the rest of my weekend being publicly shamed for being too 'cynical' because I failed to fake Pavlovian enthusiasm for a cash-guzzling,

I hope not, because it seems like the entire arc of the new trilogy is the redemption of Ben. If he's already unredeemable at this point, they've painted themselves into a corner.

She was one of my favorite parts of the movie. If you're going to recast the part of Yoda, Lupita Nyong'o isn't a bad choice.

I think he's an Engineer after a decade of heavy meth use. (jk)

Does it bother you that this is my legitimate opinion?

Thanks for clearing that up! You did a better job of explaining it that the movie itself. So the thing they blew up was on the moon/planet/weapon or was it on a separate moon/planet/base?

That's no moon! Or is it? I couldn't tell. Like is it a moon that's been converted into a deathstar or was it a deathstar with the outer layer of a moon on it for disguise? I honestly had no idea where anyone was supposed to be during the last thirty minutes of the movie, until the MapGuffin was put together in