
You can sell Toyotas to 10 people watching Fallon, or you can see a Mercedes to one person watching Colbert.

So does the Force Awakens.

Colbert has really been a breath of fresh air on late-night TV.

I read that headline as "Get used to Jimmy Fallon ruining late-night television."

Yes, but this time the 'Starkiller' could blow up five planets at once, so it was totally a different thing!!!! Also, it was 'extreme.'

Yeah, that's definitely fair. Let me amend that… for all its flaws, the Phantom Menace told a better overall standalone story than Force Awakens, at least in relation to the overall saga (so far). Force Awakens seemed like a holding pattern. There are only going to be 9 (saga) Star Wars movies total. Force Awakens

Nope. That was my honest reaction. There's nothing revisionist about it. I fully acknowledge the flaws of the prequels. I also acknowledge the flaws of The Force Awakens.

All of the worries people have about spoilers for this movie are really unfounded. How can you 'spoil' a movie that has very little to spoil? If you've seen a Star Wars movie before, or really any movie before, you know exactly what's going to happen. Any potential surprises or twists in the story are telegraphed to

Prozac would give you the same effect. Just saying.

Enjoy that dumb smile!

Force Awakens is the third best sci-fi reboot that JJ Abrams has been involved with. It's the best Star Wars movie since 2005.

They all did. There was no tension or suspense in the movie. The humor in the original trilogy is sly and largely acts as gallows humor, meant to highlight the threat these characters faced. Here the jokes just gave the impression that no one had anything to lose and no one was ever in any real danger.

The Empire has no clothes. I wonder if this is going to be a Phantom Menace thing where it takes a few months for the fans to get over the hype and see the movie for what it is (and what it is seriously lacking).

I saw the Force Awakens last night. My respect for Star Trek Into Darkness has grown.

Thank you! Just saw the movie and had to check in here to see if I was the only not thrilled (even bored). You described it perfectly. It was lacking any sense of suspense, but this is Disney product and there is no room for tension.

JJ Abrams just remade Wrath of Khan. Now he's remaking Search for Spock?

Let's just shove a MacGuffin into a Mystery Box, slather it with nostalgia and call it the Abrams' special.

Exactly. I wanted to see Blofeld. Not James Bond's long-lost adopted brother that just happens to secretly be named Blofeld.

Or just be upfront that the classic villain is actually the classic villain everyone expects. I was excited to see Blofeld and Khan in new movies. I was not excited to have to sit through 45-60 minutes of convoluted smoke screens and ret-cons to get to the point where those characters could actually act like those

I can't wait to see the gritty reboot that focuses on the origin story of Dr. Jaws' sidekick!