
Anyone from Apokolips. It's like the Wasteland, only… Wait, no it's almost identical to the Wasteland.

This is fantastic news if it turns out to be true. I'm legitimately excited to see what Miller could do with this character and universe. Here's hoping for something involving Apokolips and the New Gods. Tom Hardy as Darkseid?

Aw, you're still at it I see. Have fun!

Apokolips Now!

Yes. I read the interview yesterday actually. Thanks.

Honestly, I think this movie will be a trainwreck because Scoot McNairy is wearing green leggings throughout the entire thing.

If you think that Shannon will have 'flipper hands' in the movie, you probably also believe that Scoot McNairy will be rocking green leggings.

Cool. Michael Shannon also said about his character, “I could be a toaster, or a Porsche, I don’t know.”

K. And there's evidence that Zod will have flipper hands?

That's a totally convincing argument. How dare I express a different opinion on the internet and/or point out how stupid the whining is. Everyone ever LITERALLY thinks something that just happens to support your own opinion. Totes. For realz. Ipso facto and stuff.

Then he should build a time machine and go back to make Superman kill Zod in Superman II. That would totally piss off DC fans…

I'm not sure if people here have just never read a comic book and/or don't understand how movies get made, or if they're intentionally being stupid just to have something to snark about.

I am truly, truly outraged.

They'll save that for the Cowardly Lion. I'm expecting MC Hammer.

Hey, I know we're only supposed to use this comment section to whine and share snarky comments about how stupid everything is, but… This is fantastic casting.

Nah, he'd go to a Taylor Swift concert, sit in the front row, and swear that she was singing directly to him. Then he'd go home and listen to Duncan Sheik while having sex with a corpse.

If 'American Psycho' were written today, it would probably include a chapter on the underrated but essential smooth adult-contemporary sound of Duncan Sheik, so this is totally appropriate.

Meh, let me know when Prince releases something really experimental like a honky-tonk sounding re-recording of Batdance.

If only Catcher in the Rye had a kiss-cam.

"The opening walk and talk parody…"