
Correction Corrected. Goddamn, J.D. Salinger.

Correction: It's "Hollywoo Celebrities and Stars: What Do They Know?: Do They Know Things?: Let’s Find Out!" or just HCSWDTKDTKTLFO for short.


Arguing that Star Trek wasn't political is pretty silly in and of itself, but point taken.

Stan Lee teasing something different is like Lucy offering to hold a football.

They should get Peter Jackson to direct. Do you think he'd be interested in doing a film about puppets having sex and killing each other?

I was under the impression that the Marvel Experience would be saved at the last minute with some lazy act of deus ex machina.

I have a feeling that the "Rolling with the Homies" Act I finale is really going to bring down the house.

"You and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini."

"You get to say that! I could screw myself if I say it. There’s pressures on me that you don’t have to live under!” -Alison Brie/Annie, Community, S6:Ep13

Tilda Swinton and Joaquin Phoenix? GREAT NEWS. Totally going to happen.

Exactly! Don's reached the point where he can no longer tell the difference between spiritual enlightenment and advertising.

I love that Don's final moment of transcendence could so easily be reduced to just another advertising slogan.

I hope this means Cap finally gets to lose his virginity.

Exactly. Just imagine a teen-centric crap script as directed by a poor man's Marc Webb. It could be good… I'll be optimistic.

Marc Webb is starting to look pretty good right about now.

I've still got 55 minutes until the weekend. Bored, but still needing to kill time.

I think you are confusing snark with anger, but thanks for your concern.

Right. Sorry. We're here to bash on indie films. Heaven forbid we hold Hollywood blockbusters to the same standards ;)

Yeah, well RDJ would have to think about you for you to be a nuisance to him, so take that! Ya burnt!