
I read this headline as "war pornographer" and briefly wondered why Spielberg was interested in making a Cheney biopic.

Yeah, but that sort of "it was all just a dream" (or "dying hallucination") is a lazy cop out. I just don't buy that a movie that is so critical and unsparing of its characters would suddenly switch gears at the end to engage in some ridiculous wish fulfillment. Also, if the ending is meant to be a "dying

Charitably, I think the ending, as it is, could be interpreted that Riggan's daughter has inherited his delusions, and because of that she can now relate to and respect him. Or perhaps the film is suggesting that in suicide Riggan has finally became the hero he always wanted to be. Or the film just wanted to end on

The ending is awful, especially because the movie already had it's final perfect shot (pan to the audience giving a standing ovation with the skeptical, possibly chastened, theater critic exiting the theater). Again, I'm pretty sure they had to end in the cop out epilogue because they realized that their original

The film goes out of its way to let you know that Riggan does not have super powers (duh). When Riggan lands in front of the St. James after flying around midtown, a taxi driver is there demanding he get paid for dropping Riggan off. There is no reason to include the taxi driver or that bit of dialogue unless

Gaga better be careful with the path her career is taking. It's a slippery slope from appearing in American Horror Story to doing a holiday special with the Muppets, putting out a duets album with Tony Bennett, or belting show tunes at an awards show.

Looks 'accessible' enough to me, and lord knows that what we all want out of superhero movies. Great job, Disney!

Accessible to the public… Exactly.

This is my favorite song from 'Godspell.'

Anyone caught watching '50 Shades of Grey' in Malaysia will be stripped naked and thoroughly whipped in front of a large crowd to ensure that the public is not exposed to sadistic sexuality.

Let's binge-watch the future!

Poor Scott Thorson. He's going to have to become a hologram now too.

Oh good, finally a chance for black actors to get some award recognition!

Wait, Paul McCartney was in a band before he was discovered by Kanye West?

I recently saw a screening of 'The Graduate' at a college campus with a bunch of 18-25 year olds. After the movie was over the dude in front of me was pissed off because the ending was just a rip-off of Wayne's World 2.

My parents recently went to go see Jeff Daniels and his band play a show at a tiny bar in small town Wisconsin. It was a huge event. They got to see a real life celebrity and stuff. I think the bar even rolled out a red carpet for the occasion.

Kevin Bacon? Jeff Bridges? Russell Crowe?

Well, I've seen Johnny Depp in 30 movies. That's way more than 12, so I suppose it's okay if I want to see him play guitar.

I hope D'Angelo's drummer is ready for the barrage of homophobic slurs heading his way.

Krusty the Clown, "I'm telling you, Bart, one vice leads to another. And then you wind up like me:so jaded, the only thing that gets you off is free-basing ground-up moon rocks… That just gives me the normals."