
Don't get too excitable there.

Exactly! WB should just hire people with zero artistic sensibility or star power, because that crap just gets in the way of turning out the sort of aggressively mediocre formulaic claptrap that has been so lucrative for Marvel.

DC should totally just copy the Marvel formula. They need to slowly churn out their content for several years before anything exciting actually happens. Also, Darkseid needs to be teased several movies in and then totally forgotten about for several movies more, just so the other characters can aimlessly chase after

Right? A movie starring Will Smith, Tom Hardy and Margot Robbie, written and directed by David Ayer, and featuring the Joker and Harley Quinn, is totally going to be a massive cautionary tale and will single-handedly destroy the super hero movie business forever.

This is probably going to send you into a tailspin of fanboy disillusionment, but Kevin Conroy will not be playing Batman and Mark Hamill will not be playing the Joker.

Darn, I was really hoping for Joaquin Phoenix.

Knight of Cups, FTW.

James Spader and Pinocchio. That's what the kids are into these days, right?

"It's trying to make it affect it as little as possible… Thinking that everything is going to come together in a perfect way is not necessarily the way it’s gonna happen."

Best news Uwe Boll has heard in years.

I can't believe they made a live-action remake of "Prince of Egypt."

Wait, wasn't Chase kicked off set for being the Asscrack Bandit?

You must be humor impaired and/or unable to understand context. My sympathies for your condition.

I can't believe they cast a black actor as the President!!!!! Is nothing sacred anymore? //

Better yet give her "Best New Artist," which will ensure that we never hear from her again.

The only thing I know about most of these people is that they aren't Beyoncé and that they never will be.

I'm starting to think that WB put together the Sandman movie just to keep Goyer distracted so that Chris Terrio could work on the rest of the DC movies in peace.

Oh good, I finally stopped crying after reading her last book.

While they're at it, can they also investigate who decided that what Annie really needed was an overabundance of pop culture references and Sia power ballads?

I never thought I would ever type these words, but… This show would be way better if it was on the CW instead of on NBC.