She watched every episode, too.*
She watched every episode, too.*
Wow, the comment section of this show is a very stinky burning pile of garbage.
Since there are more than one Coens, shouldn’t the headline refer to “the Coens’ western anthology”?
I mean, technically, since she’s posting pictures of her expensive guns online, and telling everyone who will listen to about her expensive guns she’s increasing the risk that some enterprising criminal will realize that there’s thousands of dollars of easy-selling merchandise in her home, and act upon that…
The sequences in Shogun World broke him.
I still want the big twist to be that there were only zombies in the United States and the rest of world is doing just fine without us.
I had a strong feeling this episode was aimed at pleasing Neil deGrasse Tyson.
For me, his simple response of “okay” was him admitting his confusion at why she wouldn’t have already known that but also acknowledging that his mind doesn’t work the way everybody else’s does so he won’t question why she had to leave. He accepts that she did what she had to do, for reasons he doesn’t understand, to…
“Now the story of a once wildly cult popular show that lost everything, and the misguided steps from the creator and certain cast members who brought it all crashing down”
That was a nice touch with Tilly’s tears, being unable to run down her cheeks, they simply pooled around her eyeballs.
This was by far the best of Netflix’ Marvel offerings. Jessica Jones was second. The characters and story line kept me engaged. I can’t wait for season two.
*fart sound*
I was definitely thinking Ashford felt like a Game of Thrones character transplanted here. I guess that kinda goes for a few characters, I’ve kinda been calling Holden “Space Jon Snow” in my head for a while now.
Also wasn’t it implied that the fear thing was something that was done to him? Like in that second season…
“In bed with Islam” is not an accurate representation of... well, anything. Progressives in the U.S. tend to defend Islam on the basis that Islam gets unfairly attacked all the time.
Somebody get the Coen brothers on the line and get them writing Goodman a part. He can bring Laurie Metcalf along with him.
I think you completely misunderstood the point of that Hamm interlude, it was very clearly about the delusion of narcissism rather than anything to do with technology or Black Mirror. Technology and shadows in caves were just used as a means of illustrating the point.
It’s a little slow going in the first half of the first season but once it gets going it’s wonderful. It’s the best scifi on TV and just a great show in general.
I know It’s not going to happen but I would like to see Goodsir and Lady Silence make it out alive they can raise little goodsirs and goodladies together.
So, Elsie is obviously running around with reprogrammed Ghost Nation saving guests, right? That’s why they wanted the douchebag writer and came up on the beached lady, yeah?
I’m usually the one arguing for higher grades on a given Bob’s episode, but no way this one was an A. A-plot was kinda weak (I was on the side of the other junior lifeguards more than Tina, and I don’t think that was the intent) and the b-plot barely existed. Always great to see Sgt. Bosco, but Bob, Linda, and Teddy…