
“Even when they are faced with the fact that consuming meat increases their cancer risk about the same amount as being a lifelong smoker”

You do, of course realize, that being a preachy bitch of a vegetarian is probably the number one way to keep people eating meat, right?

Speaking as a Japanese-American guy who travels to Tokyo 2-3 times a year for work:

Totally agree. I know it’s not really meant to be directed at situations with people who are true “wrongdoers,” so yeah, in a general sense it is good advice. But people still invariably say this type of shit to you as if will provide you with some sort of earth-shattering epiphany that will bring you instant

When you walk a mile in their shoes, you don’t do it as you. You do it as them—their perspective, their history, their situation, their issues and problems and loves and hates and all the baggage and experiences that led them to that exact moment where they have to deal with you.

Agreed. Some people or acts don’t deserve your understanding for why they were done. Some things are just never justified.

If someone wrongs you, consider their perspective on the situation, as well as their intention.

Maybe good advice for simple acts of wrongdoing - not so great advice for those who have committed acts such as violent crimes without remorse. This reads like the kind of advice I would totally have agreed with before having to deal with a traumatic event intended by and caused by someone who has no remorse. I have a

As a bar owner, this is something I preach to my staff. We’re the ones filling them with booze, so show a little patience when it affects them and they act like idiots. (Violence and sexually inappropriate behavior excepted. Cross those lines and your reasons are not relevant.)

this way you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes

This goes a bit further than just what was described. I apply this with everything, its the idea of double checking your point of view. Its easy where yo uare standing to say something without knowing or understanding where the other person is coming from. There are times when my wife blows up on me - 100%

Doing that takes literally decades. It should be done, sure, but it’s not the priority right now.

You forget that our consumer driven economy has produced the most wealthy, safe, innovative, creative, and sustainable economy the world has ever seen.

Listen, I have absolutely no respect for the Liberal circle-jerk that is Gawker, nor do I wave a Liberal flag, but directly comparing an obviously biased media with literally controlling the flow of information is a super weak argument to make.

> You forget that our consumer driven economy has produced the most wealthy, safe, innovative, creative, and sustainable economy the world has ever seen.

If our overly materialistic US economy is driven by people going into to debt to buy crap that will be useless almost immediately, then it is not as stable as you think. Also, the manufacture/disposal of all this unnecessary crap is ruining the environment.

So much yes. I have a 4 month old. I have been given so many age-inappropriate things. I live in 600 square feet. Don’t give me toys and clothes that I have to store. If you do, give me a gift receipt. I guarantee I can exchange it for something we actually need. Also, the kid is too little to care. Just buy me those

This 1000 Times. I will never forget when my father in law passed away and the funeral home was trying to up sell my mother in law on a nicer casket. He literally said “Your husband will be so much more comfortable in this one...”. My mother in law, obviusly vulnerable at this point almost did it until I stepped in

What sort of debt do you have?

I don’t understand why those without stock portfolios don’t invest the money they get from their rich relatives.