
Kpop bands use a LOT more makeup than shown above, haha.

Prettt rude to dismiss his entire article with “yeah, no”. Lots of solid advice in here for men who don’t want to look like they are wearing makeup. Good work!

No, it’s not lying. It’s more like making sure you wore a nice pair of shoes. You look your best, but you’re still you.

More men than you probably think wear makeup, subtle like this so it’s not necessarily noticeable. It differs by region and culture, like most things. But no, it’s not false advertising at all. If you like looking better, or makeup is fun, or whatever, go for it.

Well, do you consider it lying when a woman wears makeup?

We moved our daughter’s bedtime up an hour and it made a WORLD of difference. And if I get myself out of bed on time, we have time to eat breakfast together and have a nice morning. I agree with you!

You forgot the most important one. NO T.V.

The most effective thing I’ve found for getting my kids moving in the morning is bed time. I used to have a horrible time until I started adjusting bed time. If we make it out the door to school on time with everything we are supposed to have then bed time is normal. If we are late or don’t have everything we should,

And how does one do it for the wife?

We just did the 3-day Potty Training book and it worked. He’s still having a hard time pooping...but the only accident we’ve had after the 3 days was our fault (we left the house after he said he didn’t have to go pee and we trusted him...cut to him peeing on the restaurant bench 5 minutes after we get there).

I have a four month old. Last week I was at a coffee met up for young moms with science degrees. One of the other moms asked which books I had read. They were shocked when I said none. The only advice I listen to is his doctors and what I know from being a biologist. Kid’s clothed, fed, is gaining weight, and giggles

Lucille: Well, I may not have been a perfect mother, but you know kids don’t come with a handbook.

You sounds like you’re very in tune with both your personality style and needs AND your kids’. Congratulations! Sometimes I think parent/child conflicts are a result of parents being unable (or too exhausted) to recognize these things and respond appropriately.

My kids are 10 and 16, and the only advice I generally have is that you have to do what works for your personality and doesn’t turn your kids into jerks.

One of the best instructors my gym has ever had was a woman who was overweight. She was one of those people who always struggled with her weight. And life had gotten in the way for a while. She joined the gym as a member and got more serious about working out. She took some classes, got the certification and started

The two comments? Give it some time.

I’m very, very concerned that the top comments so far are making light of maternal mortality. I know this is erstwhile-Gawker / the Internet, but good lord, people. This is a fear many people live with as a real part of their lives. It’s jarring to see them so readily dismissed, as that kind of dismissal is EXACTLY

Strong advice. They are heavy af, and they are never comfortable. I just bought a nice inflatable mattress. Well-played.

I try to either buy something I love and will want to keep long-term or the cheapest piece of shit I can. The worst is when you buy an OK piece and you don’t like it but can’t justify/afford to just get rid of it.

Speaking as a Japanese-American guy who travels to Tokyo 2-3 times a year for work: