
it seems like a lot of games these days aren’t sure if they should focus on individual skill or teamwork, frustrating the player base. If a balanced ranked mode didn’t come in the box when you paid your money, I hope you’re not holding your breath. xD

cut scenes come and cut scenes go, but friends are forever. also the cut scenes will still be there. and when u said “fetch” quests i was thinking of mean girls the movie xD so i thought, “how nice” but then realized u meant quests where u have to get things xD

also, they’re making long queue times even longer >.>

fore shadowing xD

like all james bond movies... too long

i feel like noone is noticing how loud this is. they’re on a boat 100 feet away and all u can hear are the turbine engines.... that’s really loud, it is completely drowning out every noise.

killing someone with ten mana and 9 cards is just not impressive

the older they get, the cuter they ain’t

so bad >.>

there are more versions of monopoly then people that know the actual rules of the game. i played for years then read the rules one day.... i got tired of reading

uhm... someone died?!? shut it down