
Don’t give up. There are still more to be had in the air tonight.

This might be exactly the issue, there may not me many choices in the right size for a 1989 Esprit. Perhaps that’s all they could get.

Battery packs don’t weigh 7000 pounds, even lead-acid.

Yep. Hopefully regenerative braking will help, but you probably will want to put modern (big) disk brakes on it anyway, because safety.

Casino, hotel...

The Murcielago was the best looking “modern” Lamborghini for sure. It’s been mostly downhill since then IMO.

The purchase price is just the down payment.  Like all German cars.

After reading all of these appliance horror stories, I’m knocking on wood so hard right now.

Sweet!  I wonder if it works with a force feedback wheel (goes off to research)...

Also, thanks for that rabbit hole. I’ve spent the last 90 minutes getting lost in old arcade land. Not that I have any room in my house for a giant 700 pound sit-down cockpit arcade game cabinet, but reading about it is really, really making me want to buy one.

Pole Position was a blast.  But the one that really blew my mind a few years later was Hard Drivin’ - the one with the force feedback steering wheel.  That extra bit of realism was magical.  Instant replay on your worst crashes was fun too.

I was merely making the point (badly) that change is not always in the direction you might hope for.  These things are butt ugly, no two ways about it.

Yeah, it depends on your windshield curvature.  Beams just don’t work with some windshields.

Better, certainly.  Good?  Unfortunately not.  That whole hood and front end needs to go and start from a clean slate.  They really ought to try a retro look and go back to when they looked good as a starting point.

I don’t think it will take that long.

Not really, strangely enough. It worked on the new Z Proto with the huge rectangle, but here, it just looks like a small bandaid on a hog’s nose. All of those grille openings just need to be smaller and rounder. This one from Twitter that Raph linked in the article is getting closer, but even it looks too big and

You’d be angry too if someone ripped off your lower jaw.

Very true; but I don’t want a car that’s as fit as I am (unfortunately) now. I want a car that’s as fit as I was in my 20's (many years ago). Preferably even more athletic.


Trick question, Guy would take the ‘vette.  Or maybe a Challenger.