
That... looks really great.

And the price! If I’m paying BMW prices, why not just buy the BMW?

Hah! As an owner of both a 2008 350Z and a 2010 EX250, touché. What can I say, I like stability? Tried and true? Boring and staid? I want to know what I can expect before getting into something? As other commenters have mentioned, look at the 911 over the years.

That’s a great point, and your final example of remastered songs/albums had me laughing out loud, because it proves your point.

You magnificent bastard, have a star.  Pity I only have one to give.

Rear window louvers. 

Rob Ford enters the chat

After thousands of years of selective breeding and outright genetic manipulation, what is exactly a human? And in the books there is divergent evolution on different planets and among various insular groups, by accident and by design, rendering various groups of humans quite different from each other.

That looks like it. Thank You! I knew I could count on you.

Alright, Jalops, I’m counting on you:

Oh the reruns were on constantly throughout the ‘70s and probably ‘80s too, on local over-the-air stations before cable.

Not to mention, “Dude” was originally an insult, meaning someone from the city who knows nothing about taking care of themselves on a ranch.  A city slicker.  A tourist.

Happy to see that the silhouette appears to have somewhat of a hood bulge!

If you read David’s fine article, he mentions that it is meant to be read from inside the car.  So we are looking at the back of it.

I seem to recall reading about Porsche or someone doing that with the hood of your car and an image of your fingerprint for some strange reason a few months back. Really odd.

Just tell us you work at a Jeep dealer and it fits right in!

And Gavin Newsom’s ex.


It helps to already have “fuck you” money.  That’s why they call it that.

I starred you both times.  Because yes.