
That is also the norm in most places in the U.S. (alternating high-beams on emergency vehicles and colored flashers in the grill of “unmarked” police vehicles).

Riding a motorcycle is the ultimate teacher of situational hyper-awareness. Glad you were OK. Sorry you had to experience that.

As a sometimes motorcycle rider, I co-concur.

Or Cash Archangel.  Cash Oxcart is also possible.

I was thinking the prize would be something like:

Wow. Very nice. COTCOTD.

“liking the look” = I couldn’t get it to fit with that half-assed custom exhaust and I don’t know how to fix it.  Ditto the speedo and A/C.  I’m guessing the current owner bought it in its current state, realized they have no idea how to complete the build and are trying to bail out.  And can’t get it to pass smog in


Now I’m reading your whole comment in Mr.T’s voice.  “I pity the fool!”

Don’t forget the bumper! 5 bucks says the reason it’s not there is it doesn’t fit properly with that exhaust and the exhaust needs to be re-done to fix it. Never buy somebody else’s problem project, especially an unfinished one.

Zing!  Nice burn, but I doubt it’s the waistline that’s the problem measurement here.

If you were buying it for the mods, you’d just buy the mods and a working Miata for less.  Never buy somebody else’s project, as the saying goes.  In any case, the price they are asking for this car would only work if it was complete and working and pretty much perfect.

I think a staff member has to “follow” you or something.  That used to be it anyway.

Perfect example.  And this is the difference between a good mechanic and a bad one.  It’s hard to find a good mechanic for working on older vehicles that knows these kinds of things and cares enough to do it right.  Once you find one, know you’re very lucky and treat them as such.

As long as you say it VEE-hickle like any good redneck.

Challenge accepted, I see.  Well done, have this nice star.

No need to look so far, it looks an awful lot like a Tesla Model 3 to me.   The body lines are almost identical.  Those horizontal light arrangements front and rear attempt to camouflage it a bit, but cover those lights and what do you see?

No-one would get more than liability insurance on this thing.  This thing is practically nothing but a rolling liability anyway.

If you’re something of a masochistic completionist and are not in a hurry, you could take Route 66 across the south and you’d end up going through OK. Not that I’d really recommend it unless you’re really big on nostalgia.

They moved there for oil.  It was the oil rush.  Before that, no one wanted to live there.  The gov’t pushed it on the Indians, until suddenly it was worth something, then yoink!  We’ll (whites) have that back!