
That’s not how I felt about them at the time.  They seemed pretty good compared to other cars of their day.

More like 35 years ago, TBH. The first gen had the engine and transmission from the Z, independent rear suspension, and was a good-handling and performing car for its day.  Not so much today.

It’s not peoples’ fault for reclining.  It’s the airlines’ fault for putting the seats way too damn close together.

I’ll remember that for my next overseas trip.  And when my boss makes me travel to client sites for work, I’m sure he’ll understand that It’ll be a week travel time instead of half a day.

This whole problem would magically disappear if airlines would have some basic human decency (hah! likely) and give back those inches of legroom that they’ve stolen. Flying has become a terrible experience, and it doesn’t need to be this way.

You forgot the /s.

Don’t forget the shards of glass in your lacerated face from the damn touchscreen! Yay technology!

Yes, so car companies should switch to making used cars, instead of new ones!

They’ve recently lost their way. I like to pretend the Ghibli doesn’t exist. And when I heard of the Levante, (I don’t speak Italian) I was thinking “Lifted, elevated, raised, it sort of works for an SUV, OK” Google translate then tells me Levante is Italian for....  “East”.   WTF?  The Maserati East?  Good job,

The only people cheering this are ones who currently own a 240 in great condition and are trying to decide when to sell. People who want to keep theirs and enjoy them don’t want these crazy values, it just makes everything more expensive, and people who love them but don’t have one yet are SOL.

No low ballers.  I know what I got (sic).

Or even a boor.  But probably not a Boer (unless you happen to be one).

About $3.50

When I’m riding a motorcycle, it’s automatic muscle memory from long practice that whenever rolling off the throttle to slow down, I flash the brake lights by tapping the rear brake (not enough to engage the brake). Some bikes have electronics that can do that for you, I don’t know if there are cars with that built

Found On Road Dead

That does seem like a European thing.  Reading this interview I was thinking, “Yep, he’s Polish alright.”

Autoblog claims a manual will be offered.

Well, the styling is quite and improvement.  Thumbs up.

I’m looking for the taste of sweet, sweet freedom.

Depends on how high you have the heater set, are all of the lights on, stereo blasting at max volume?  Those will drain the battery a bit whether you are moving or not.  But in general, sitting still won’t use as much energy, as, say, an ICE engine idling.  And regenerative braking should help some in stop-and-go