
Damn! It’s not legal here in WA, but that doesn’t seem to stop anyone or even give them pause, in spite of the potential $500 fine (and the whole possibly killing yourself and others thing).

That’s a really good idea. I don’t know if that market is big enough to turn the company around or anything, but along with diversifying their portfolio in other ways, a solid move. But I’m still salty about Buell (and MV Augusta), so what do I know.

I’ve never been treated with disrespect by an actual Harley rider that I’ve met for riding a Japanese sportbike. I’m not saying they don’t exist, but I’ve never come across that type.  Probably depends more on where you live and other socioeconomic factors.

This is a big part of the problem. In part I blame smartphones (no, seriously). It’s just getting (has already gotten?) too dangerous to ride in traffic anymore with no end of constantly distracted cagers trying to run you down in ever-bigger crossovers and SUV’s.

Well, don’t leave us hanging! Enumerate your simple plan so we can be enlightened. (I’m serious, I’m interested)

On corporate e-mail systems?  Not a chance.  In person, out of earshot of management, etc?  Sure.

Still have my Ninja 250. Great, reliable little bike. Easy to control and fun to wrap out without breaking the sound barrier (or the speed limit in most cases).

See quite a few up here in the PNW, but I’d say second to the Mustang.

You forgot:

If you can only afford one $100k+ car, you’re not rich enough for this, I suppose.

Chadwick does.

There’s no disguise... for that tunnel vision.

It’s not, it’s square.  But it looks to be from a dashcam anyway, not handheld.  So no good decisions on display here.

So this is Toyota’s Episode 1. That explains a lot.

Plus the obligatory cheek vents which are obviously needed to cool, uh, something.  Brakes?  Tires?  You got me.

Looks like a Benz to me.


They used to give us rubber cement in school (back in the dark ages).  One girl in kindergarten started eating it, she liked how it “made her feel dizzy”.  Looking back on it now, I hope that girl didn’t suffer permanent brain damage from it, jeez.

Is it even a real physical concept car? It looks like a bad photoshop render to me - at least the graphics on the hood, side skirts, and skid plate. Not that it doesn’t look awesome, and it wouldn’t be hard to do.

I don’t think ol’ Cheetolini is pushing for more Renaults in North America...