
I’ve been to Tianmen Mountain! It was spectacular. The glass-bottomed walkway around the several-hundred-foot cliff was quite an experience. Can’t imagine driving a Range Rover up it, though. There’s a series of escalators built into the mountain that is supposedly the world’s longest series of escalators, that takes

I’m embarrassed to say I had to google that one.  Well Played.

Well, the white ones at least...

Will the Representative from the great State of KenTacoHut PLEASE come to order!

So have you tried the three shells?  I still can’t figure out how to use those things.

It’s Gold, Jason. I mean, it’s right there in the caption for you:

One big exception I can think of is lighting.  The easiest way to tell if a car is form the 2010's is all of the LED’s.  Especially since 2015, cars just look different due to the lighting. 

Oh, my god...

This is the best comment thread I’ve read on Kinja in weeks.  Thanks you guys!  Off to the rabbit hole for me...

Dear God, why?

I think you’re on to something!

Well, it does now.

Agreed. Also, the Audi is sort of tasteful, even though larger. The Lexus and some of the new BMW grilles are hideous. So ugly I can’t even believe people can hold their noses and buy them at all. I literally jumped the first time I saw one of those predator-grilled Lexuses. They still cause a physical revulsion when

That’s the 2021 model.

None of these guys are “victims” of their ethics scandals.  They earned every bit of them, through good old fashioned corruption, greed, hubris and evil intentions.


How do they deploy?  Some kind of explosive charge like airbags?

Good thing they camouflaged those bumpers! Now no one will know it’s the “Electric Test Vehicle”. What? He printed it right on the bumper?! D’oh! Dammit, Dietrich!

Well first, you have to elude the “eyes”.  Then hop the turbine freight to far outside the wire...

You’re on fire!