
I wonder what effect heat like that has on tires, though. I know part of the reason for the speed ratings on tires is the expected temperatures experienced while driving at that rated speed. I would think adding super hot pavement to the equation would serve to reduce the safety margin a bit. Any tire engineers care


Good thing, too. Something like that landing on a house or any occupied building would be a very bad day.

And yet still way, way cheaper than gas.

This. I own my own 96-year old home and would love to have an EV - but no garage, only street parking. I’d have to get special permission to put in a charging station on the right of way - and it wouldn’t be cheap (like way, way out of my budget levels of not cheap).

His lawyer looks happy to be there.

Bravo! Brief, but breathtaking.

Dude, you’re going to give me nightmares!  (not that the real one is not nightmare fuel enough).

It’s Jina!

[Zapp Branigan voice]  I like the cut of your jib, sailor!

Never mind that brake dust, hehe...

Just run it 4 times.  Or, buy 4 dishwashers, I bet one of these wheels costs enough to buy 4 dishwashers.


Makes this truck look like a Forest Service truck.  Maybe that’s a good thing, maybe not.

You owe me some brain cells to replace the ones that just committed seppuku after watching that.

Ding Ding Ding!!  This here is the reason exactly.  They want the chance to talk you into a more expensive model.

And Hellcat!  Hellcat all of the things.

Well done, have a star.

More like anyone who voted for the first Bush in 1988.  John Sununu scuttled the UN climate treaty back in 1989, when they could have actually made a difference.

France, apparently.