
So it’s a very computationally expensive logging system.  Great.

None of those statements are examples of bias, and all are factually correct.  Lordy you poor suckers...

I totally believe you.  Now I’m off to go visit my Canadian girlfriend.

Nope. Investigation potentially affecting 3 million vehicles. From the article: “complaints of more than 3,100 fires and 103 injuries.”

Or just consuming them as resources.  Waste not want not.

Easy there, Satan.

I thought I read somewhere (yes, too lazy to look it up right now) that Porsche is the most profitable company within VAG at the moment.  Anyone confirm/refute that?  Not discounting the synergies and advantages of being part of the larger group at all.  But Porsche had been hugely successful for the past several

Agreed, with perhaps a fourth option:

This is certainly looking like a scripted hit job. The constant drumbeat of every couple day releases of “surprise” discoveries that are nothing very damning but serve to portray Ghosn in a negative light. Just enough to keep the case in the news and keep the pressure on, and damage his reputation. Never anything

Thanks a lot, now that song is going to be stuck in my head all day.

Unless you want to get hammered... sounds like it could be fun.

Porque no los dos?

It’s like they don’t even try to teach English in Russian schools these days!

I’d rather have a VAG.  (not really, but the joke had to be made)

Looks like this might be it:

Agreed.  If I was marketing a car that expensive, Bring-a-Trailer would be my first thought.

Yeah, it’s working so well.  Ask a GM or Ford worker...


With sporty handling!

Pretty sure a film of you illegally drag racing on a narrow street with pedestrians and parked cars present is the last thing you want your insurance company seeing.