Boy they will really stretch to call a car “1/1" these days.
Boy they will really stretch to call a car “1/1" these days.
I Love it! The person out front smoking or whatever really tells the story.
Or your Enemy! It’s up to you.
Is that a Supra? /s
That’s a nice 2-door Stinger you got there.
Not disagreeing about how completely unacceptable the tablet idea is, but drivers who sit that close to the wheel are already going to be severely injured or killed if a normal airbag deploys into their chest. Don’t do that!
I don’t know about Illinois, but calling an Oklahoman a Sooner if you don’t know what part of the state they come from/identify with can be dangerous. Some Oklahomans self-identify as Sooners, but no one from OSU (for instance) would ever call themselves that, and would probably take offense if you did.
Now I can’t stop hearing Steve Perry belting it out in my head. Did you take the midnight train going a-ny-where?
Too late - GAC, a different car company in China, already makes the “Trumpchi”.
Which of course would be pronounced “mee-see-own ayy”
I thought it was a llama?
To cool the battery pack, of course.
I’m with you, but just FYI, the CEO is a dude too. Not a woman.
Um, no one who has lived in Seattle more than two years even owns a working umbrella. Umbrellas are how we spot out-of-towners. But you’re right about the Saab.
Then the headlights would be so high they could practically never shine onto the ground.
I like how they had to leave the lights off of the driver’s side mirror because they wanted to be able to open the door, I guess. :-/
Seriously. These things are getting big enough, the whole front should just tip forward like a commercial truck to allow access.