
But a Mercedes S-Class can’t top 400 mph.

Have you tried eating enough asphalt to be sure?

While quite possibly rad, that car seems a bit too new:

I thought this was Melania making her escape.

Take a look at youtube lately, that ship has sailed...

Andrea Bocelli?

It’s entirely digital, including the ground, the trees and the car.

Absolutely this! My ‘80's Corolla had a turbo speed button as well, and it was also labelled A/C. In = normal speed, passenger comfort. Out = Turbo Speed, baby!

The pipe is that large because it’s not just for fuel, it’s for the fuel and air mixture (it’s the intake manifold). The front tank is the fuel tank, and the reason it’s up by the radiator is that the coolant is used to heat up the tank to promote fuel evaporation, since fuel vapor is what is being brought into the

So Guy Fieri? If it was yellow and red maybe.

Would you want to be the insurance company insuring combat vehicles? Let’s look at the actuarial charts and... no.

The gigantic chain steering wheel is really the crowning touch.

So true. Panels off the doors, everything messed up and torn apart. What a pain in the ass.

That is awesome! Great work!

Scratch the lease return off that list, hoo boy. Now the lease return will have less questionable/horrible mods done to it, but it’s likely been just as beaten-on as the other used one.

I wouldn’t doubt there may have been a similar incident. While not from a standstill, this one is one of my favorites:

Starred for Jim Rockford.

That’s how it works on a boat...

I think that’s a Kia. But yeah, that one was amazing.