
Wow, that’s crazy! Glad they are alright. It’s amazing how a panicked brain (or two) just fail to function. There are so many things that dad could have done, yank up the e-brake, push the gearshift out of gear, yet all he could focus on in the panic was trying to steer clear of obstacles.

Because your question is beside the point. Actually, she did address your point, each car company (or person, or whoever..) gets to choose the correct way to pronounce their own name. That doesn’t mean the grammar gestapo or pronunciation police or whoever needs to run around constantly correcting everyone who messes

That pose looks very awkward and uncomfortable.

He didn’t say he would have missed her; he said he would have blamed himself for the accident. Two different things.

Very well put, thank you.

There are no oncoming lanes here, all of those lanes you see are going the same direction. This occurred on a divided section of road (the two directions of traffic are divided by a barrier of land). It does seem swerve-able. And what is with the aiming of the headlights? Those look far to low to provide visibility

That’s not shameful or even “getting old”. It’s just growing up. Keep it on the track and enjoy the adrenaline when and where it makes sense. As you’ve experienced, the thrill of really racing is much greater; and everyone there has chosen to be there and knows what they are signing up for.

The Credenza!

I’m doubting this genius’ ability to drive a stick.

Which is an awesome tip. With my luck I’m imagining myself cutting the new one somehow by mistake. D’oh!

Where do you think they got the name?

What an awesome movie. What I didn’t remember and was definitely not expecting to see in that scene was David Duchovny threateningly brandishing a soup ladle, wearing a vest of assorted silverware 0.o

So true. Looks very McLaren-y to me (that’s a compliment).

I mean it was right there. How could you not?

Yep, just ask Richard Hammond, heh.

HAHAHAHAHAAAA!! Heh. hee... hoo... Good one! (I think some of the respondents missed that you were joking)

You guys need to sponsor a team with Jalop Gold! It’s all the rage!

Came here to make this comment. Thank You! Have a star!

Except no one will see your star, because...

Toyota Tacoma, though that’s a model, not a trim level. I’ve seen a few “Northwest” edition trucks, though I’m not sure if those were just dealer branding/mods or from the factory.