
To be fair, they never claimed that their own target audience wasn’t also 18 year olds. Or at least not in this article, or whatever...

Which has what all to do with F&F exactly? Except perhaps “about cars”?

If the lights are already that big in your mirror - you’re about to be rear-ended (or already have been).

I’m not disagreeing with you, I just found it ironic that the premise that she ran on was the very reason most who voted against her did so. Also, we saw how well research predicted the outcome of this election.

Many Trump supporters, however, do not actually support any of those planks. They simply voted for Trump out of hatred for Hillary.

Which ironically was also the Republicans’ platform: “She’s Hillary Clinton” rabble rabble rabble

Currently drive a B15 and a 2008 Z33 here (hood bulge FTW). And I think you are correct.

By all means save up for a used 350, they are fun cars with great potential for modification ( a blessing and a curse, as unmolested examples get harder to find). And getting affordable.

That or an actually decent SE-R again.

Wow that is awesome. More than a little cheezy, but I can’t lie I would fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

On the other hand, at this level, my time is extremely valuable. I don’t have time to sit it a waiting room, even a sumptuously appointed one (unless I want to). Chances are I likely have a lackey or two to go take my Bentley in for service for me, but as the dealer/service center you’d better be prepared if I do need

Not necessarily. Think of the “tones” in Mandarin not as trying to recognize an “A flat” or a “C sharp”, but just the inflection of the word. Is it going up, like a question at the end of a sentence? Or down, like an exclamation? Think of this exchange in English:

So every Tuesday night...

The torque thing is totally true. In higher gears I can idle along getting decent mileage, and don’t have enough torque available to put down the pedal without lugging the motor. If I want to speed up I need to downshift (conscious decision).

Good tip. Your local garbage dump/transfer station can also be a cheap way to get weighed, or even free.

I’ve heard that term before in America and Canada, not sure how common it is. Also seemingly related, “Ate his lunch” meaning a severe beating (i.e. not even a close contest). “You absolutely ate that guy’s lunch in the first heat!”

That’s awesome. I had always thought that the dash board was so named because that is where your head would be dashed in, in the event of a front-end collision.

Please DO IT. I genuinely want to read this article.

Autocross can be a great option, and much lower cost than going to a dedicated racetrack. “Take it to the track” doesn’t necessarily have to mean Laguna SECA.

Galaxy Note 7