
This deserves more stars!

코드 갈색

Lucky! I wish I had a driveway or uncovered parking space at all. Street parking sucks.

Haha! Way to narrow it down!

Brought to you by Carl’s Junior.

Right, it’s “Earlene”.

Check out your local credit unions. This was Washington State Employees Credit Union, but now the rules have changed so that anyone in the geographic area can join, you don’t need to be a state employee anymore.

Depends on the institution. When applying for my last car loan (credit union), it was 10 years or 100k miles for the best interest rate, you could finance a “classic” auto for higher rates and only up to 80% of book value.

True, but do you think Trump considers second- or third-order consequences of his actions?

Details, details. A few minutes each with a cutting torch in a few key spots and those frames can be weakened as needed.

Agreed. That’s just it, keep it under 500, cool it properly, make sure all your ducks are in a row. Fuel pump, injectors, BOV, waste gates, oil cooler, most importantly a good tune from someone who knows what they are doing. 550 is asking for trouble unless you build the bottom-end.

With a head in my lap like that, I’d be tempted to just stick my finger in their ear. Or lean over and say “oh hello there” upside down...

Holy Shit.

I certainly have nowhere near that many miles in the air, but I’ve had better luck with Zalaska air than most, at least in the past. That said, there is still lots of room for improvement. I’ve heard that they have been slipping recently too.

Also, it sure is lonely here in grey, grey Zanada. :(

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not so fast, there buddy. Nobody said anything about Canada in this thread. I don’t know where you’re getting that from...

It really depends on the area you are in. In most cities you’ll find plenty of willing buyers.

Absolutely. I’ve done it both ways (OK the grocery store parking lot transfer was just a $3,000 motorbike, but still). The credit union or bank is the way to go.

*Backwards* NACA ducts in the wheels. Someone got a bad batch of cocaine.

This is really cool!