
Not my ingame nick. But yes, I am still subbed (since ‘06). Wouldn’t say I still play, though, unless you count shipspinning, forum lurking, and the occasional L4 to see how much things have changed since I’ve been semi-retired. You?

Well, to be fair, Deimos was the son of the Greek god of war Ares, and the name literally means “Terror”, but Eve was what I thought of first too. Also Abbaddon. But CCP puts a lot of thought into their ship names, so there’s that. I didn’t see Megathron or Dominix suggested, that would have been funny.

Or Eve Online. Or, you know, the ancient Hebrew embodiment of destruction and darkness. But yeah, probably a game reference.

Or put up a roadblock. Or lay out spike strips, or...

But outrunning the chopper won’t help when you drive over the spike strip that they’ve layed down for you. Or when the chopper from the next town up lands across the highway presenting a roadblock...

Bang or what?

Used to ride in my friend’s mom’s 240Z that way when we were teenagers. Fun times (no annoying pillar bar in the way though).

Transformers vs. Predator


Can you browse the contents of the fridge without leaving the door hanging open? If so, you could save that price difference in electricity alone in... 20 years or so.

This thread is ready for takeoff!

Lemon law?

Not only that, the car is just printed on the curved backdrop behind the lovely lady. She’s probably never even been near it!

The Metallica song “Trapped Under Ice” just started up in my head.

“I wonder how you could change the color of the cage though?”

Sounds like a perfectly normal average track day anywhere. You should try one, you’d be surprised how tired you are by the end of the day and how much a 20-30 minute session on-track takes out of you, and how exhilarating it is at the same time.

Impressive! I was thinking it looked like an old Mercury Sable, but I see now you were absolutely correct. Nice work.

Comedy Gold!

Witness me!

This needs more stars.