
Precisely. This needs more stars.

I dunno, sounds like a storyline with possibilities...


Now that’s customer service.

This so should have been COTD...

yahoo (at) aol (dot) com

Son of a bitch

Nah, it’s just him speaking in the third person, he admits it further back in this reply thread. “Ironically” I imagine he will claim. Poor sod.

Go to bed, Evans, you’re posting drunk again.

Unfortunately, we already know that they don’t.

I was just in China for a few weeks. The amount of fake badges/stickers is hilarious. And the mistranslated ones.

Put one in the trunk and make a push-me pull-you.

Sad but true. You hit the nail on the head.


Straight out of the official crisis management playbook. “I look forward to being able to present my side of the story” “I cannot comment any further at this time” “We’re taking these allegations very seriously” “We’re conducting a thorough investigation” etc. etc.

Sadly, the Amish will never see your apology.

Dashcam video:

Nah, it’s OK as long as they’re men. That’s a man.

Will do

Thanks! Will check it out. (Not while at work, though, of course)