
Came here to post this. My old 1980-something Toyota Corolla I drove as a teenager had manual AC on/off button instead of it being a function set with the other cabin air controls. On that little 4-banger you could totally feel the difference when trying to accelerate. Turbo boost!

Agreed on all counts. If we’re going with “when I was a kid”, I’d have to say 240Z all day, over the 300zx or 350z. Heck, I’d leave the MK II Supra on the list. But those were all beat by the old Chrysler from Trains, Plains, and Automobiles? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Depends on what you call “kid”, but if a 16-year old is a “kid”, then they would be 24 today. Jeez I’m old. There were only 2 or 3 of these cars that existed when I was a “kid”.

You missed the “For Less Than $15,000" part ;-)

She wants a car that will get her there.

It has happened before. We are all to post prizes for $kay in that case. Her preferences are for pictures of Ford GT’s and McDreamy.

The screen clearly says “arte”. You left off the “e”.

Who knew? I’ll give it another shot, if I can find it online somewhere.

Wait, TGUS succeeded? When did that happen? I must have missed the memo.

Because big screen. Bad popcorn. Watching ricers spin into curbs tring to “drift” leaving the theater.

Good point. And thanks! Yours too!

So wait, the truck driver was driving a poorly maintained rig on a suspended license? “Kelman Transport” is in big trouble...

This needs more stars. I live on the West coast and am unfamiliar with the Tappan Zee. But even I knew that Hudson’s Bay is NOWHERE near New York.

All of them.

COTD, if only to see where $kaycog takes it...

Interesting, thanks! Did not know that.

Sounds like a teenager to me.

And the Villager was just a Nissan Quest anyway.

COTD right here.

So basically nothing like Jay Leno?