
So much THIS! I’ve experienced that same frustration.

Introducing His Lordship, the Viscount of Viscosity, the Marquess of Marque, Baron of the Brakes, Doug De Muro! muro muro muro....

Sadly too true.

That and $300,000 cash will qualify you to buy one...

Well, ten minutes gets you a lot farther at 200 miles per hour...

I dunno, 9000 RPM on an S1000RR is, I’m certain, plenty to get yourself into trouble.

Oh, I’ll bet the 4C can excel in that regard, too.

The key part of that quote for me was “assuming 40% supplier margins.” Why would you assume that? That’s probably a big part of why Tesla is building the Gigafactory, to bring those margins down.

Haha that’s awesome.

@Bump - Actually, it works the other way around. If you heat metal with a hole in it, the hole gets bigger. If you freeze it, the hole gets smaller. Try it yourself as a science experiment!

“I’ve found very, very few uses for it”

Also make good air brakes when opened at speed.

Probably the same reason the rear wheels look like a busted axle. Best I can figure is the car is supposed to look like a cartoon car exploding.

COTD worthy right there. Too bad it’s late in the day.

Also, can I please be un-greyed at some point?

This is the part I can’t unsee:

Ivanka or Kelly?

Came here to say exactly this. I squinted and turned my head every which way, but I don’t see a screaming mouth at all. Just a smiling teenager with a mouth guard.

That is awesome, but I’m going to have to disagree with you here. It is not the best BMW. That would be the 507:

It never stops.