
I honestly cannot believe that I just read through all of those replies without seeing this one. Obvious choice is obvious:

Careful, you’ll flip it! /s

350's are the same. Annoying as fuck.

Nice wheels.

I don’t really see the Aston Martin influence in the front... Looks more like a cross between a Corvette and a BRZ to me. Not in a bad way, though.

Wow, that’s the shortest and least exciting race I’ve ever seen, hehe

Shut up, Evans. We know it’s you already.

True, but the complaint was with non-2-door “Coupes”

Okay, Jeremy, time to take your meds now. There’s a good boy.

“facelift”. That’s a very kind way of putting it.

Laced with Drano...

I did not say that.

Well, I agree that we need to abide by the law, but chances are that this R33 in particular didn’t pollute any more than, say, a Volkswagen TDI. If the feds started bashing down peoples doors and crushing TDI’s, we’d see a huge outcry (in the media, if nowhere else).

Came here to say either this, or he just watched A Beautiful Mind.

Yeah... raw eggs, salmonella, yada yada.

Jeez, that is bad. You’d think they could have at least called them the Red Greens or something.

Came here to post this. Have a star.

And we are so glad they did! That Ferrari is so much cooler than a 928, it’s not in the same universe.

No, I just thought you maybe had some insight into why we can’t have nice things :(

It’s OK, you can admit that you bought it for yourself. We won’t judge.