
This is like my friend and her Husband. He'd gladly be a stay at home Dad. We always knew he wanted kids and she didn't. They've been married for 2 years and he's still bothering her. I never understood why they'd agree on marriage, when they couldn't agree on something huge like having children. I'm intrigued on

Sittin back for the inevitable skinny shaming vs fat shaming wars

Sure, you can give up bacon and spare ribs and beer and sliders. But give up enough good food and you're dead inside. Is that really living?

Everything about it is wrong and awkward and weird. It actually makes me uncomfortable to even talk about talking about race with my barista. Especially weird here because I've never had a barista that wasn't white and I am white and omg make it stop.

please explain how a state "dominated by democrats" has had a Republican-controlled state senate for all but two years of the past few decades

NY is dominated by democrats, take your bipartisan rhetoric somewhere else

No whip? NO WHIP? How dare you?! Whipped cream is amazing in a world full of terrible things. Also, white whipped cream, black coffee, why do you hate diversity so much? Racist as hell.


Yeah, don't talk to me.

Clear tea would be hot water, holy shit... I mean come on.

Just tell me where the damn restroom is, because that's all I want from Starbucks, thank you very much.

I like my men like I like my coffee...venti, dark, and light room for cream.*

*This is not sexual harassment. It's serious coffee talk. #racetogether

This is a real thing? For real? I kept expecting there to be a reveal that St. Patrick's Day now works like April Fool's or something.

Sorry you died. How is it working out, trying to change other people instead of ignoring bad behavior and achieving anyway? You're pissed because you can't make other people sad. That's pathetic.

hmm either because I'm in canada or on the west coast I disagree. I think women interrupt more here! (Including me, i think I have gotten it more under control lately though)

Should've gotten Erlich.

Because other white dudes can not understand what diversity means unless it comes from the mouth of white dudes. How can they know what's important to listen to, unless the ladies are interrupted and corrected by people who actually know how the world works?

So she basically called out her boss in front of that whole audience? And she still has her job?

Wage gap is not that easy to understand. I've read so many of these studies (including a few that you posted) with conflicting implications. Here in Ontario, the regulators behind the Pay Equity Act explicitly state that statisticians estimate that only between 10 to 15% of the overall pay gap is attributable to