
I thought only strippers like the unobtrusiveness of socks.

Devastated by war? It's 2015, not 1980.

Well that's how it goes. Next time don't try to convert people to your religion when they don't want to join it by selling them a pack of lies.

Did you sleep through your history classes or is it just that because you don't think history matters at all that it doesn't matter?

Your dismissal of history as fact tells me everything I need to know about you. It's how Americans absolve themselves of the truth every time. Life and history are complicated, and you can't handle it.

Indeed. Kurds, despite being Sunni and Shia, have no problem getting along.

The last 500 years of history do not account for the contemporary times

Why? Because no one has yet figured out long term storage. Even after all the other issues are resolved, leaving 10,000 year old waste around is no one's bag.

I have no idea what your name references nor do I care.

Eh that split is basically, is like Orthodoxy and Catholicism, which wasn't even about a fundamental difference of beliefs, but became one over time, as the Shia practice differently than Sunni now do.

Then why claim the Catholic Church has willfully stepped back when there is not a single incident in history that they have ever done so? Why is anti-clericalism a thing if you Mother Church is so caring? Why is Laicité the law in France if the church is so good and true and doesn't meddle in politics? You're either

See where your "intentional inflammatory" bullshit gets you?

there are lots of Catholic jackasses and probably one of those has inflicted pain upon you.

Actually it's Reformation: TBA

I'll be sure to let all the Assyrians and Chaldeans and Yazidis running for the mere right to exist that they're just making a mountain out of a mole hill because some dickbag American thinks so. Oh and I'll send your article to all the Kurds I know (my hometown has plenty along with the above named peoples) and see

Because you're a sanctimonious asshole who thinks the Catholic Church is bunnies and unicorns?

No you're just being a sanctimonious fool who comes off as knowing only a tenth of what you claim. Your binary comparisons disgust me and appall me, and I'll bet $1000 you're a fucking breeder white knighting right now.

In due time :)

No, straight men's dicks are for chicks.

And your point is? They're unenforceable. That's how the American legal system works. Would it be nice if they were repealed and do they pose a risk by their continued existence? Yes, but that's how this all works. The Supremes don't hit an auto-delete on states' laws.