
No, I think you're selectively picking out things to support your half cocked point. You're 26, do you want a fucking cookie?

No it has never accepted its role at all, it has been forced to sit down and shut the fuck up by many, many years of the people telling it to but out. It has NEVER chosen to take a step back of its own volition.

Do you not understand how American legal systems work? The Supremes trump state laws. End of story. Thank you and good bye.

No. Sodomy or sex between men was settled by the Supreme court in Lawrence. Please go home now.

This person knows absolutely NOTHING about Catholicism or is a paid shill of the Conference of Bishops.

The Catholic Church openly separates itself from politics

Its imprint isn't as sullied as Gawker or Jezebel.

It's been my experience that straight people, especially straight women, have a lot of "deal breakers" and are too immature to spend any time dating until they get their shit together.

You're actually not wrong.

Who are these people who don't think about getting old? 5 year olds? I have a 401k, how could I not?

AMURKA did all those things I'm sure is the reply you'll get, never mind that the US refuses to pay its membership fee many, many years.


Obviously we shouldn't bother right? Is that your point?

Suck it ho.

Re-reposting Dayna's shrill nonsense from yesterday. What a job...

Afghanistan is not Arab. Where on earth do you get these ideas?

Given how common it is not to have a last name in Afghanistan, he may simply be adding hers.

UGH. One place I worked, besides the EEO disaster of them refusing to promote a hard working Chinese American "cuz hiz English ain't so good" from one of those thesaurus using assholes (a new complex word every day that they don't use correctly) as a supervisor. He thought he was god's gift to well just about

Given that its legal code is based on Sharia, it's pretty much an obvious answer from a legal standpoint. The only time Afghanistan made moves towards a real civil legal system resulted in the then king being deposed and during the Soviet backed leaders' time, the latter's loss ensuring the previous Taliban regime.

No, please go back to angry land.