
No you don’t. You elected Rand Paul. I will never forgive you for that.

Heck - it took me a decade to not say that. And I didn’t watch the shows

Don’t tell me this... I already have “This Old Full House” shit to do... and teach on Monday.

My household says meow in 14 languages.

The good news, I think, is that we are older. That’s what I’m telling my class next week as I’m showing them This Show.

I only want to be the last

can I hug you and hate you at the same time?

I owe you an apology. I’m sorry.

Picture your sophmore year... and she is your professor.

Yes - hop over the river, ignore the genrtification, slide into the college parts and meet me there:)

But but but.. nope, I’ve got nothing.

I’m new here - there’s a Pit of Spite? I’ll bring pastries...

She may be, but given that we’re even discussing this? Levels of harmful

The fact that I have to refer things from the 80s as “way back when’ scared the hell out of me...

You’re right - fun sucks. But I like bitter bitter cold. So at least I have a personality.

Oh, and Michael accepted the script. Mom wouldn’t let me leave home to move to NY when I was fucking 12:)

and I’m a hop, skip and jump behind you.

Frell me - you went to Princeton.

So you’re the one who bought my stuff.

Its not a thing... Its great PR, but its not actually food.