
My understanding is that the kind of money it takes to buy your way into USC is a little out of her price range. Her net worth is $8 million, it would take most of that to make a donation to buy her way in. Happy to be proven wrong on this if people have heard otherwise.

You’re darn tootin’ I do! We only get 10, I earned them, I am taking them. I use every sick day, as well. Even if it’s getting toward the end of the year and I have to blame my son for missing a day because of his fictional tummy ache. My salary package includes these days, so I am taking what is owed to me. That

Whoa there, you forgot to shift your paradigm a little to the left.

If this becomes a thing, I might have to get medieval on your heiney…

Don’t use soap to clean coffee oils.  It gets into the gunge and stays there.  To clean off coffee gunge, use washing soda in boiling water.  Rinses clean, no odors, no soapy film, and no coffee oils.

What if I don’t want to watch the video and came to actually read something , other than the comments.........

HOAs are entirely populated by power hungry twats with nothing better to do than concern themselves with what their neighbors are doing.

You’re a real piece of work, McNulty.

I have to say, I think it’s time for Pelosi and the rest of the old Dem guard to go. If we had a House filled with people like AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and Pressley, Donald would be waist-deep in impeachment by now. We can’t afford centrism anymore. The planet literally can’t take any more Republican dominance and their centr

BBB is basically just a shakedown service. don’t trust them.

I miss Rude Negro......

I want the McAloo Tikki burger! For heaven’s sake, it’s a fried potato patty. It can’t be that expensive to either produce or import. 

I’m starting to get a nagging sense that when people say The Economy is fine, they mean that it is working exactly as designed: funneling more and more money into fewer and fewer grimy hands.

I understand the frustration that can build up between BOH and FOH over the pay gap, but just remember that the rich want us fighting over scraps with each other while they continue to stagnant wage increases, pass right to work laws, and otherwise keep all of us working at a grind to nowhere. I’m happy to tip out BOH.

In the spirit of this dumb joke, they should have made a luxury Avenger to take market share from people who want posh Nissans. Create an Avenger-Infiniti War.

They rather lose than have Bernie win and then be exposed for the conservatives they really are.

“When they say state’s rights, the only right they mean is the right to own black individuals,”

As a fellow Engineer, this was my comment as well. You really have to work in the industry to understand all the crap with suppliers etc that leads to constant changes. In some cases, I’ve seen monthly changes for a new product in production, because of how rushed the project was in the first place.

For once I have to disagree with a McParland column.